
For all the windows haters out there, this is how my Windows updates...

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    Thats not how brainless ranting works. Here, take my ++
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    Are you one of illuminati members ?
  • 5
    Dear Windows user. That is a prompt and not how your computer updates.

    Jokes aside, it's still needs to restart for non-kernel (or whatever the Windows term is) updates.

    Does it also update your programs like vscode, mariadb, firefox, chrome, and so on? Running apt upgrade does that
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    @inaba npm install also updates gulp, node, angular and a few more,

    And chrome auto updates...
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    @irene maybe you clicked it once and it remembers your selection
  • 1
    @rabbi Yes and chrome also updates through apt, like 99.9% of all the other programs I have installed.

    And I'm not sure what npm has to do with anything other than that packet managers are nice
  • 5
    Ooooh that’s so pretty - it must be fake!

    I think I’ve seen that maybe 2-3 times since Windows 10 was released, I’ve used insiders and stable releases.

    Don’t get me wrong, this is how it’s meant to work.

    But it generally just takes out a system process, BSOD, and then magically on reboot there’s a “Windows is updating” screen or on normal shutdown your only option is “update and shutdown” or “update and reboot”
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    Why don't you try to restart or shutdown the PC. #WindowsUser
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    Teach my how you were able to conquer the dark beast, I still struggle being the family IT de facto guy. Because this is not what I see normally.
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