
My teacher was presenting and her pp crashed. She just continued with her presentation but her desktop was showing. I instantly noticed she had a "stickynote" with her login details for our grading system and I tried telling her to put her laptop to sleep or anything but she got mad at me for interupting class and threw me out of class. My revenge will be showing admins the picture of her desktop ;)

  • 23
    Or just login with her credentials and mark yourself a good grade 🤷‍♂️
  • 25
    She deserves it. I have some teachers that still use 123456 as a password. And they type it as if it were a public show.
  • 11
    @cursee this would be lame, dont ever take advantage of security issues. This is childish and school can make charges. Hacking != cracking
  • 3
    @cursee meh I'd rather have the rep with the admins. But if it were something less serious and "fuckable" I prolly would've.
  • 1
    @FooBarNaut I've got those too! Tried tellin em but they ain't listening😂
  • 3
    @alkuzad I've nearly got charged with data breach cuz I told the admins their password is shit and didn't tell them how I got it..even though it was written on a note on the pin up board next to them...
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