Got laid off on Friday because of a workforce reduction. When I was in the office with my boss, someone went into my cubicle and confiscated my laptop. My badge was immediately revoked as was my access to network resources such as email and file storage. I then had to pack up my cubicle, which filled up the entire bed of my pickup truck, with a chaperone from Human Resources looking suspiciously over my shoulder the whole time. They promised to get me a thumb drive of my personal data. This all happens before the Holidays are over. I feel like I was speed-raped by the Flash and am only just now starting to feel less sick to the stomach. I wanted to stay with this company for the long haul, but I guess in the software engineering world, there is no such thing as job security and things are constantly shifting. Anyone have stories/tips to make me feel better? Perhaps how you have gotten through it? 😔😑😐

  • 16
    That's no way to handle a "workforce reduction"..

    Imho they're acting like you did something wrong. Did they find your dR profile or something? :x

    If you felt like being laid off for other reasons, or you can prove that by a reason stated on your documents, I urge you to go to your local Work union, if that's a thing..

    Dem feels tho, giving it all, and getting smashed with a big red metal door right in the face... uh, feeelz..

    Hope you can use them as a reference!
  • 16
    It's so bad business treat they employees as mere objects. It happens in all industries. But keep in mind that maybe that job place was not the best place for you to be, and your skills can be valued and appreciated somewhere else.
  • 8
    What the actual fuck. They treat employees like that? Awful.
  • 8
    Never knew such thing still happens. I would say better have a chat with work union or something. This is not the way people should get fired. Better have a talk with your boss, if he knows what happened? Positive side is that you can spend some time on your holidays and look for a new job.
  • 4
    Sad to hear that. May you find a better environment soon 👼
  • 15
    I had this "reduction" last year. But here we have laws against such treatment. So in mid-August my boss told me, that I had to go by the end of September. Plenty of time to get all my stuff sorted out and leave everything in an ordered and documented way.
    During that "end-time" I could go to job interviews whenever I needed.

    I think that's way better then shoeing someone out like it happened to you. That burned all bridges!
  • 3
    @pacohojaverde : Hang on there Bro....Something good might be waiting for you to happen. :)
  • 12
    So sorry to hear that. What a shitty way to treat someone. I’ve heard of similar happening, even worse.

    At a previous company I worked for, they fired a guy right before the Halloween party, and he had to pack all his stuff up as the Halloween party was taking place just a few feet away.

    I’m sure you’ll find a better company to work for, that treats their employees with more respect.
  • 4
    I still find it strange, that there are countries where you get fired and have to leave on the very same day.

    Good luck buddy. Look for something that treats you, like you deserve it.
  • 2
    @hash-table yeah or just use full disk encryption under Linux with a strong passphrase, you get the same effect without having to rely on a script running.
  • 2
    My work laptop has an OPAL2 SSD set up with sedutil from Linux. Bet they'll have trouble working out how to reimage that when I'm gone.
  • 4
    @hash-table I live in Switzerland. Around here, if you get fired, you have a period of 3 months until you're officially out of the company and within that period you still have to go to work. If you're boss doesn't want you around these 3 months, he can suspend you, but still has to pay your salary.
  • 0
    As soon aa I started reading I thought: he must be a American. I heard about that way of getting rid of someone. Glad I'm not part of the American dream. Oh well, some things here suck too.

    However, I think that there is an enormous level of job security in software engineering. Just not permanent jobs. But that shouldn't be a problem assuming there is at least an equally high demand for devs in the US as there is here. If so, I'd suggest freelancing. You'll have more fun, challenges and money. It'll expand your experience and skills and hopefully joy in life. But honestly I don't have a clue how the market is in the US so maybe I'm just talking bullshit. Hope everything works out for you!
  • 0
    Try this on github: WillBeAllRight-COVID19

    It's an open-source project for engineers being recently layoffs because of the COVID 19. She even mentioned the situation with your personal files.
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