
Sublime or Atom?
and why?

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    I use Sublime, but have to admit that I haven't tried Atom yet, since I'm somewhat satisfied with it
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    Vi is the answer to your question.
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    @infekted amen brother!
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    I'd prefer butterflies, please
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    I ❤️️ atom, but only on my Mac.
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    just try loading big file in atom and sublime you'll know the answer.

    my observation is sublime works well even with bigger files.
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    I'm using Brackets now, but I will eventually switch to Atom. Just not in the middle of a project.
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    Out of those two, Sublime, as has already been noted, Atom doesn't deal well with large files at all. A few thousands lines of CSV and it seriously chugs, even Just opening the file in question.
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    Atom is too sluggish and buggy for my taste.
    I was almost convinced by VSCode, but for some reason that program often randomly scrolls across the file after mouse clicks.
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