
Anybody else has to go back to work from 26th - right after Christmas?

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    @irene thanks for the assurance ☺️
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    @irene almost the same situation at my place too. But hey, I get too indulged in the holiday spirit
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    @devTea πŸ’»πŸ–₯οΈπŸ–¨οΈπŸ΅
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    at work :3
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    its normal
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    Brave heroes
  • 6
    I won’t mention I have 3 weeks off...
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    Well, 27th :)
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    @C0D4 i won't mention i stabbed you thrice.
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    @cursee I’m glad, that would ruin the surprise πŸ˜‚
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    Nope, in ther netherlands we like second holiday days.

    We have:
    First christmasday
    Second christmasday
    First Easterday
    Second Easterday
    First Pinksterday
    Second Pinksterday

    And most probably some more. Officially these days are a sunday so some offices are closed but some supermarkets will be open.
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    @Nanos ouch. That hurts a bit
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    @C0D4 I won't mention who is feeling jealous
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    @0and1 pros and cons of not having any leave through the year.

    I get 4 weeks of paid leave a year so might as well use most of em at once.
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    @C0D4 oh. Well what better time than Christmas right
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    @0and1 yea, I don’t mind the extra time with family. Plus not having to deal with “ahh somethings gone wrong, fix it” moments.

    They just burn for a few weeks until I get back, unless something seriously goes wrong *touch wood*
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    Me too.
    There ain't no rest for the wicked
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    No, I have to put up with the family one more week 😭
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    I'm already here. πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Me. But I enjoy it.
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    It simply isn't civilized to work on Boxing Day. Try telling that to your boss when you're American, and you work in the United States. I always tried to take the 26th off when I suffered the tortures of the damned, or as most others call it, working in Corporate America.
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    @C0D4 You rock. You ruffle the feathers of the Dominant Paradigm. A quad egg nog latte for the brainy lad wot 'as three weeks off!
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    I wish i was.
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    Back at work today. 24th and 25th were just nice-to-have days off with pay. Taking vacation on the 31st so that I have another four day weekend. Nobody here today but me and all the contractors who don't want to forfeit a few days pay.
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    We worked in Christmas too
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