In competitive games in which team composition matters and you have different playable classes and/or roles (tank, area damage, point damage, various kinds of healing, buffs/debuffs, etc) what kind of character do you like to play?

I guess this would apply to stuff like MMOs, Overwatch, TF2, DOTA, Diablo/PoE, and so on.

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    To start off, I'll answer: I almost always go healer or general support. I love healing and buffs/debuffs, it's a great feeling to get your team through a fight or revive others or synchronize your buffs with an ally's abilities or debuffs an enemy's abilities.

    Also, supports generally tend to call stuff out and make decisions, since they're more focused on the team and the overall flow of the game.
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    Used to play mages on MMOs, haven't played any in a while though
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    @irene ah, nice. I love going glass cannon when I'm not playing with a team. In Diablo 2 I'd go Sorceress with hugely amped damage (chain lightning or meteorb sorc anyone?) and garbage health (one shot or two shots for most enemies) so guess that qualifies as a glass cannon.
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    @irene a good tank is worth their weight in gold.

    hehe, I loved Mordecai as well, though played Borderlands 2 with a team so switched to Maya, who has support abilities (Res is frickin OP, gotnus through so many fights)
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    @irene ah, Zer0, the most popular pick apparently. I think I got to 50 or so with him, I agree he wasn't pure sniper but that sniper skill tree really did some neat damage. I didn't like the soldier much, too boring.

    Maya was my favourite by far. Our team had a siren, a gunzerker (fun if you like yelling at the screen I suppose), and a soldier. Rather tank-ish I guess but eh.
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    I always go for support characters/classes. I'm your Rein, Orisa, Zen and Ana in Overwatch :D I prefer tanks in classic MMOs too (RIP Wildstar). Even in Fallout 76 I'm the guy with some team heal perk cards.
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    Always melee tank.
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    I always liked the stealthy classes (assassins) or ranged ones (archer/sniper).
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    Yeah, I really enjoy FO76.. it's relaxing and really fun to explore the world. I don't get the hate about this game... sure, it has some bugs... but nothing game breaking for me. Maybe it's because I never play alone or I never played Fallout 4 (and everything is new to me). I have about 100h play time and we had a ton of fun.
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    I was always a warrior in games.
    Guess that shows that I love close combats even though they can be quite stressful.
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    I have tried bowie, mage, healer and tank. Nope. Nothing for me. Warrior is the way to go.
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    @thoxx I usually go Ana or Reinhardt too, high five! Love those two, though I also play Moira or Orisa sometimes. And less frequently, D.Va when dives are needed.
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    Sniping in melee.
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    I'm mainly playing CS:GO, but you could say there are roles too.

    I mainly play Support and Team Leader.
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    FPS... it varies drastically; I enjoy all ranges, though I'm particularly good with anything that requires precise ballistics.

    WoW: belf warlock. Loved those endless dots and draining my enemies to a dedicated husk. and the fact that, even were they to kill me first, they would still die a slow and painful death. 😊💚
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    I got used to be tank because of the high latency I always had playing online
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    In any rpg I mostly prefer mages or something closest to it. Ever since Diablo 2 chain lightning fascinated me lol.

    Dirt rally: I roleplay Ford Fiesta

    LoL: Apart from mages, I was a professional troll. Constantly baiting people and laughing back at them.

    Overwaratch: Have most fun with CC heroes, Roadhog, Zarya, Winston (obviously :D). Anyone up for a game mby?
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    Ranged dps... I like to think I'm a good team player but I'm not great at keeping track of current game state so not much for support or leader role
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    Support, preferably some kind of hybrid melee support (like a healing paladin or monk).
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    League - medium range, preferably mage, with lot of hard cc. My main is morgana.
    Fps games - high damage, short range, i usually play revolver or smg. (Used to main symmetra in overwatch)
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