Looks like pidgey is overseeing my linux project xD

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    @Alice and here I thought it was the code making me depressed 😆
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    Hows your LFS going?
    I demand my daily update.
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    @metamourge going great so far. I've been stretching the progress bc I've been a bit busy, but currently on ch.6.24 with no problems atm xD
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    @kenogo this time I just wanted to show off my bird xD as for my setup I'm just running arch with deepin.
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    Cute little floof! It's a budgie, yeah?
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    @GlassAmulet yes hes a budgie, and hes adorbz :)
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    @konicm8ker I have a conure. She loves to scream. XD
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    😍 a budgie... Did you really call her "pidgey"? o_O
    (for anyone who would like to argue about the sex of the budgie: the area above the beak... let's call it a nose, is pink for female budgies and blue for male budgies unless they are too young in which case there is really no easy way to distinguish the sex of the bird)
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    @D3add3d definitely a boy and yes its pidgey just like the pokemon <3
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    I would love to have a budgie that is not scared of humans :( mine just tries to hide in his cage whenever I come close without having my hands behind my back. (tried letting him out of his cage to fly around the flat but he just likes to stay in the cage and won't even come close to the opening)
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    @D3add3d yeah pidgey mostly likes to stay in his cage but I always keep his cage door open at home so he can fly out whenever. Sometimes he actually comes out on his own lol just takes time with birds to establish trust.
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    @konicm8ker oh... ok, so he must be only a few weeks old then, my bad 😅
    Oooh... a pokemon... but... you know pidgey was derived form "pigeon"
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    @D3add3d I've actually had him for about 6mo.(still young tho) and chose to name him pidgey bc of the pokedex description of pidgey in pokemon matches his personality xD
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    @konicm8ker 24 weeks then :D yea, still pretty young
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    @Alice birds make very good companions and I'm sorry to hear about your country restrictions :( I was a bit nervous about getting just one budgie but they can sort of consider a human to be in their flock given enough time and trust. My bird even eats when I eat so it doesnt make me feel so bad that hes a solo bird like it did at first. I would like to get him a friend at some point though :)
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    @Alice yeah those restrictions are pretty dumb. Solo birds can be happy just depends on the owner and living enviornment. It's best to slowly introduce a new friend like putting two seperate cages together at first and then maybe letting them on top of the roof of their cages to make sure they wont kill eachother. Just getting random birds together in a single cage is a bit risky. I hope you get a bird someday, they are the best!
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    Does the pidgey poop on the monitor ?
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    @Teknas he poops pretty much anywhere, but so far not on my monitors xD
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    @Dropkick500 I use arch with deepin DE. I tried budgie DE over arch but honestly wasnt too into it. Havent tried solus.
  • 1
    She looks cute
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    @Dropkick500 haha yes I got it xD
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