what would you guys think of a user-controlled news app? like people would posts stories, and users would control what content would be featured in their respective categories. then you would have a feed of all the categories you follow. story integrity will be controlled by users approval and by corroboration.

sound cool?

  • 0
    shit i forgot to put this in the random category
  • 1
    My God, Facebook 2.0, but only news. It would be a great idea if we could remove the opinion element
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    Good luck building such a user base
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    I thought about this too, but with a peer to peer element to make it hard for a story to be taken down
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    You might need to ask money to strangers down the road
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    I think you're forgetting that fake news is a thing. Around November, thousands of people will sign up and post anti/pro Trump articles. And nobody will realize they are fake/paid for/ propaganda. Instead they will just get mad. And it will feed the political machine.

    Moderation will be excessively hard and the platform will slowly but surely be only morons who believe the fake stories and the scammers who buy them. Which is a shame because I actually really like this idea!!!

    This probably happens in other countries as well, but probably to a lesser extent. (I'm American and thus wouldn't know anything about anything international. We have to actively seek out that kind of information because our news is self centered and I personally have fallen behind as of late)
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    Give users points if they submit reliable source for news, Make a Reputation system.
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