How many devs does it take to fix a light bulb?
None, it's a hardware problem.

  • 8
    On that note....

    How much shampoo does a software developer need to wash his/her hair?

    The whole bottle - it says "lather, rinse, repeat" and there's no way out of the loop
  • 5
    @martygeek the process only terminates after a segmentation fault due to invalid access 🤣
  • 1
    Question:-How many devRanters does it take to repeat a joke.
    Answer:- none, you need Batman
  • 2
    You can’t fix lightbulbs, you have to replace them.
  • 1
    At least I cannot do anything about it before someone gives me a document defining "broken" and "fixed" in this project context.

    Is there even a bug ticket?? My sprint is now full, so come back in 2-4 weeks.
  • 0
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