Next generation JSON representation algorithm

  • 4
    I want to star it
  • 7
    thoughts and prayers...
  • 2
    I wouldnt call it an algorigh. But i would call it an good practice. (Altough i prefer a for loop over the while loop)
  • 9
    Ahrg... that injection.... wtf!
  • 7
    So much wrong, let me just go pull my eyes out and bash them against a wall for a while to rid this sight.
  • 3
    So when did php get the json encode function?
  • 3
    At the very VERY least use a mysql real escape string around that filter!

    Beter, use prepared statements. You can read about them here: https://phpdelusions.net/pdo
  • 2
    @C0D4 I've had exactly the same reaction when colleague showed me this.
  • 2
    Oh god lol
  • 1
    My colleagues do this with C#
  • 5
    This is why people make fun of php. Because somehow the language gets hit for the shit code that people write.
  • 1

    Let's start einging... Kumbayah my Lord...

    *turns the flamethrower on*


    Anyone Marshmallows? We Just need to wait a tiny bit...

    *Adds some gasoline*

    Seriously. Burn that shit.
  • 3
    @beegC0de PHP5.2 certainly not a new feature by any means 😔
  • 3
    Who has a field named 'undefined' in their data?!?
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