Me: This element is ID located (and visible) in your page, so it must contain it.
Selenium: I've never seen that element!

  • 5
    Me: find Id xyz

    Selenium: where is it?

    Me: right there at the bottom of the screen

    Selenium: nope can't see it

    Me: scroll the fuck down

    Selenium: nope still don't see it

    Me: write some xpath to go to it instead

    Selenium: oh there it is with id xyz

    Me: 😖I hate you some days
  • 2
    @C0D4 Selenium at first: It's so easy, why haven't I used it before!
    Some days later: FFS!
  • 2
    Yep, I also leverage HtmlAgilityPack with Selenium, because sometimes HAP can find stuff faster but use Selenium for navigating pages.
  • 3
    @realngnx i do enjoy punching out an automation script in an hour or so.
    But when it doesn't want to behave, it's maddening.
  • 2
    I absolutely feel your pain.
    I fought with that quite a but, and the dreaded "stale element reference" error.

    But! Know that Crappybara is worse, despite using Selenium as its backend.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Thank God I'm free from using it nowadays, but back then I used to always carry a paracetamol with me.
  • 0
    @Root "Stale element reference" oof

    Never used Capybara, but if it's backed by Selenium, it can't be a good thing.
  • 2
    Ah, the inconsistency of Selenium tests is wonderful. I am so glad that I am not working on frontend tests anymore.
  • 2
    Using watir for a while, never gad these issues :/
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