what a backstabing cunt

imagine you're trying to prevent world war 3 from happening with someone you've been training for months.

out of nowhere, this FUCKING PICE OF SHIT decides to become a vilain.

in the midst of the event he tries to deflect a bullet that ricochets into my spine.
thanks asshole, now I can't walk

i thought we were friends man, we bonded over painful shit

like ok, they killed your mom and made experiments with you,

take it out on them, not the entire humanity bro

you unlocked your powers thanks to me, you couldn't even lift the toilet seat.

and you don't even give a fuck about mutants, you power hungry bitch

you only care about total domination

"oh no, someone save us from this mutant whose real name is eric"
im so scared right now

  • 14
    I thought you were talking about Magento at first
  • 3
    @Alice of course, I mean I have the academy already, this was a long time ago, I just held to this for too long, feels great to get it off my chest.

    best part of the academy is I get a lot of head.

    (disclaimer for the fucking sjw's, im not a disgusting pedo or anything, and I didn't use my mind control on anyone, I'm just charming and well endowed.)
  • 0
    That discrimination against poor nazis
  • 1
    @Lyniven they deserve it.

    if they didn't experiment on eric, he would be a chill mutant by now and I could still fuck on my legs!
  • 0
    @charlesx as far as you can still fuck, don't complain.
    If someone is vilain to you, kill it.
  • 2
    @Lyniven hey, even if he couldnt fuck, he could still mind-fuck. It's all in the mind, amirite?
  • 0
    @Quirinus it doesn't work that way son, trust me, i wished it did
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn It took me a while to realize it's not Magento.
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn you do need superpowers to see through those captchas
  • 0
    Oh , but you CAN fuck... You can fuck off :)
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