
What’s your opinions on AWS, Azure, and whatever googles version is called. I’m curious and I’m asking because I don’t really know a lot of details. I just know they host stuff and make some stuff easier.

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    Think of them as giant hosts you don't need unless you have a need for micro services or high availability scalable servers.

    AWS for one makes your life harder - their SDk is a inconsistent mess, with random functionality that's undocumented - sometimes the things you actually need, but at least your project will never be down unless you royally stuff up something.
  • 8
    @C0D4 Azure also makes your life harder with 1467 (only a slight exaggeration) different portals, none of which can be used for all their products (or all versions of their products since a bunch of them have a "classic" version that is more or less incompatible with everything else (and some of their stuff requires windows clients to connect)

    I havn't used googles cloud enough to hate it yet but despite all of amazons and microsofts flaws both of them have saved me more time than they've wasted (and i've seen one of my cheap ass clients ass get saved by microsofts support going above and beyond to unfuck the clients fuckup)
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    Azure is shit. Yeah, I know, it sounds amature. But I mean it. A service that had 3 outages in 3 months, that quite often runs out of resources, that has mysql that takes seconds to CONNECT to, [I could go on]... I'd stay away from it, build walls, crosses and fire pits to keep it as far away from me as possible.

    GCP - it's cool. It's stable and, as far as I can tell, oriented to simplicity. It works well, is stable and gives you $300 for thi first year to learn.

    AWS - it's cool. It's stable, though complex. You can tune sooo many things in your env. Loads of services, stable, but it takes effort to get your head around all this estate. It also has a free tier, which means it gives you some services for free. Some of the, are always free, some - for 12 months. Others are trials, which are free for more limited time

    i haven't touched azure and don't want to. But coleagues who have to deal w/ it have nothing good to say.
    As for gcp - still no hands-on xp, but did some research and some tutorials. Not much. Will go for a cert later.
    Aws - just finished assoc dev cert trainings, have had to use it daily for quite some time now

    if I had to I'd prolly go w/ aws. Altho gcp also looks tempting with its simplicity...
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    I second that, go for aws.

    For google cloud, I don't like its simplicity.
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    May I add to the subject here?

    @C0D4 @ItsNotMyFault @netikras @JhonDoe What could one expect to pay for a server?
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    What are you looking to do? I think depending on the use-case, if you want to simplify, there’s different ways to go about it. For example, we use DigitalOcean for all our servers, and then AWS for some of their products like S3 and SQS. But there’s alternatives for those and also DigitalOcean has services of their own that can be used in place of some of those.
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    Just now I noticed that I've repeated 'stable' way too many 😁 well that's what you get when writing comments while on a pooper 😁

    @ScriptCoded no idea. I use it at work, where our clients are paying for everything.

    However when talking abput price you should consider what other services you'll be using besides EC2. And how many requests you'll be making. Aws charges mostly per-unit-of-work basis
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    @ScriptCoded really depends on use case, traffic, databases, and other services being utilised.
    I've never broken it down to a per server value but AWS basically charges you for every service and every bit of traffic / data / request being made or used.

    Personally I have a minimum of 4 EC2 instanced running LAMP stacks at any given time in auto scale groups, with services like S3, SQS/SNS and a few others.
    There's the RDBS servers on top of that aswell 🤷‍♂️

    You then have traffic and data transfers between the services to concern yourself with and IOPs for the RDBS

    The down side to AWS is, they just send you a bill and you pay it.

    But let me use the aws calc to give rough idea.

    Based on known server configs and some rough in/out traffic guess's I'm at a monthly spend of 2.5-3k per month, but this is buried in an umbrella of the rest of the companies AWS / Azure bill... which I would shit myself if I figured that cost out.
    Glad it's not my money 😅

    Honestly if it's a small project, I would look at services like AWS LightSail which is reasonable cheap, or Digital Ocean or even Heroku.
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    @netikras We supply SAAS, so every dollar counts... :)

    @C0D4 Yeah, we're using DO right now, but I feel like there must be some reason for people using AWS and similar over other services like DO. But if we're in the thousand dollar price class I guess it isn't what we're looking for right now 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Thanks guys!
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    @ScriptCoded if you know your infrastructure really well, you could try cost compare using the AWS pricing calc. But you have to fill in a lot and it's region specific 😖

    I think these guys (aws/do/gc) just rely you sticking to which ever one you go with initially. You end up including a lot of extra services which makes it harder to jump ship later on.

    I know I would have a hard time migrating out of AWS into another but it's not impossible.
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    @C0D4 Yeah, I've tried their calculator, but to be fair I don't know exactly what's necessary, and what is actually things you need. You right now we're just running a plain Linux server, so breaking it out like that is kind of hard for me. Though I'll try again :)
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    I've used all 3 at different dev shops and they're all the same at the end of the day. They can all do the task you need it's who's UI makes more sense to you and cost.

    What makes or breaks it for me is how easy is a service to use/setup. My current shop I'm at is on Azure (we are a Microsoft .NET shop) and I find Azure more robust than it needs to be. Due to the size of these platforms I'm rarely spinning up resources here for non enterprise level clients.

    As others mentioned my go to is also DigitalOcean, Heroku and Netlify but I use Buddy.Works a lot along side them to automate CI/CD processes across all types of hosting setups. Highly recommend B.W if you got some more complex pipelines to string together.
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    @dfox I’m not planning to use any of them anytime soon I’m kinda just trying to get an idea what people think without having to go watch or read a biased video or blog.
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    @C0D4 Holy shit, why so much money?!
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    @Bubbles several large Ecommerce sites will do that. 🤷‍♂️

    The company's major site runs on quite a few Windows EC2's so I can't complain to much when I'm running Linux servers 😅
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    @C0D4 I guess so, hopefully there’s cheaper options if I want to host something
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    @Bubbles lightsail, I was going to use it before I set my Rpi up as a dedicated web server, the trick with AWS is not to use all their services for a small project, or keep within the free tier criteria.
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    @C0D4 oh cool, I will look into that then
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    @C0D4 My boss hates the azure ui, from what I've seen it's the unfriendliest piece of shit ever written...
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    @erandria It's a blade based navigation design dashboard so, if you didn't like the Xbox360 UI then your gonna have a bad time in Azure. 😂😂
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    @Vip3rDev i don't mean the ui in itself... just setting up something as simple as a mongodb looked like a non trivial task
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    @M1sf3t I’ve heard a lot about firebase
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    @M1sf3t but idk what it is
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    @M1sf3t it sounds cool and interesting, I’ll definitely check it out
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    @M1sf3t I’d have to have a damn good project to stick with it.
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    @M1sf3t yeah
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