does PHP have any future scope

  • 8
    PHP isn't going anywhere in the near future.
  • 5
    It's getting better with more OOP and type safety, 7.4 is da bomb

    I doubt that it's going anywhere
  • 1
    Well that depends on weather or not wordpress and the likes are going anywhere
  • 1
    You just cant change 99% of the websites just like that... So no it will be always needed as a legacy* thing

    *php isnt a obsolete launguage, just a lot of old websites were written in it.
  • 2
    I won’t consider anything else for web dev. But that’s ‘cos I don’t know any better, and by all accounts 7x is fucking A.
  • 0
    so should i consider learning it right now
  • 1
    PHP version 8 is looking really good and should be about 50% faster than current versions due to JIT processing.

    I grew up with PHP and really like it.
  • 0
    As long as there is no google- or facebook-scaled project running with node as backend, you gotta use it. This is programming, not fashion. Shit needs to work, not be pretty.
  • 2
    Why not pick up a few languages and use the ones you actually like? Don't take others' opinions as your own.

    I liked php when php was the only web language I knew. But later I tried Java, Perl, vb and asp (not by choice...), and Ruby (with Rails). I realized I liked Ruby on Rails the most, and have been quite happy since. I've been continuing my search (py, node, haskell, ...) and have yet to find something I like more.

    try several before you decide.
    and decide for yourself.
  • 2
    Haven't heard of anyone starting a new project in PHP, it's always legacy shit that is getting phased out
  • 0
    So what is going anywhere... JavaScript or erlang seriously
  • 0
    @Froot You are lucky, I unfortunately here it from time to time.
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