"Git is useless, connect to the server and edit the pages" - My boss, 2019

And beleive it or not, he's also a teacher. What a great and wise man, we should build a statue for him!

  • 16
    - Connects to server
    - apt install git

    It's a small win!
  • 3
    @C0D4 Would be nice if I had the permissions 😔
  • 6
    @Willbill360 you obviously have write access, you could download the package manually and drop it on the server 🤷‍♂️

    Or, download the codebase off the sever and run git locally instead.
    Just change your workflow a bit so that you commit/push prior to drop on server.
  • 4
    @C0D4 And get fired 😂, I need the money, but thanks
  • 5
    @Willbill360 you can get a LOT more money by doing right things ;)
  • 6
    @Willbill360 I would do it anyway. If they fired you for doing the right thing, then why would you want to work for a place stuck 10 years behind?

    My current place didn't have git for my projects, didn't have auto deployments, everything was FTP and prod only servers.

    Now there's git, dev/uat servers, auto deployments - well a few buttons later anyway - and not once was this a ask, we did it anyway.

    The code is ALOT safer and easier to rollback when things go wrong then it was a few years ago.
  • 0
    @alexThunder You are soooo right, and sorry to hear that, it sucks
  • 1
    Make local git repo.
    'Accidentally' delete the files on the server.
    Restore state from your local repo.
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