At this day, July 18 in Eastern timezones, one of the globally recognized animation studios in Japan, Kyoto Animation - more known as KyoAni, has been deliberately burned by an arsonist, and has claimed 20 lives and counting.

Please give a moment of silence for the fallen in KyoAni. All they wanted was to make people smile despite the low wage situation and Japan and this happens.

  • 2
    Rest in peace. I hope that the perpetrator doesnt get the death penality. It would be like "you have done something bad and go" in my eyes.
  • 1
    Whoever did that should rot in jail.
    I really hope they can recover from the fire.
  • 1
    Now at 33 deaths per https://crunchyroll.com/anime-news/...

    I don’t think Japan has the death penalty.
  • 3
    @bkwilliams they have. 2018 was the last execution.
  • 0
    Update: NHK reports final count

    75 present

    33 dead

    35 injured

    7 unharmed

    In summary: half of the staff was lost to the fire
  • 0
    Update: 3 WIP KyoAni projects are unaffected but one pending screening project has cancelled its screening.

  • 0
    How would you handle task assignments when your coworkers were murdered?
  • 0
    @bkwilliams i think that every project will be at least 3 - 12 months late, with mid projects the most. Depending of the mental state the half of injured staff have a so heavy trauma that it will take years to be able to speak about this without breaking into tears. Without psycological help there will be suicides.

    This is my opinion. I dont have enough medical, psycological knowledge to really understand this. I dont know How they feel, what their exact mental state or what EXACTLY happened and i dont want to discredit the hurted or the dead. I cant say what i would have done or how i would be after this. I can only say one thing if someone would ask me how i would feel: Empty.
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