It worked! After all those years I've talked someone into linux'ising all theit workstations :) now that someone is eventually convinced it would solve most of the problems. Now they are collecting all the bau requirements. Next - testing phase. And then, if all works out well - reinstalling 100+ workstations with linux :)


  • 1
    too bad that i havent someone like you at my company.
  • 2
    Cool! But did you factor in the resistance of people who begrudge any change in their life, and go far and wide to fight and sabotage what threatens their loved daily routine? 🤔

    Psychology: Loss aversion
  • 5
    @heyheni yes I did :) 90% of their work is done via a web browser. Admins will just have to set up plugins for it.
    10% - filling in templates with ms word. If templates are tested and proven to work well with Writer - that's all :)

    no other workstation-related tasks are in bau.

    Use of the workstation for personal reasons is strictly forbidden due to sensitivity of the information employees are working with.

    Police in our country has migrated to Linux and OSS years ago :) I don't see why healthcare shouldn't.
  • 6
    @heyheni I mean.. If their daily steps do not change, they might not even notice anything :) esp if there is a w10-looking theme
  • 3
    Which distro??? I'm very curious! And envious!
  • 2
    Do you happen to be operating in France?

    La Gendarmerie did move to Linux quite some time ago and works all this very proficient, afaik.

    You couldn't be from Germany, where the city of Munich decided not to use their PCs for years because they were afraid of the new login.
  • 2
    @scor Lithuania :)
    police here is really cool!
  • 0
    @scor the staff was ok with it, from what i heard. Only the mayor wasnt happy about it.
  • 0
    @scor and many people think that the moving the germany central to münchen was Part of it, as an legal form of bribery.
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