
Fuck the imperial system. For centuries everyone used meters and kilograms to measure shit so why the FUCK did the U.S decide to use pounds and inches. Like i see most articles and videos comfortably using the metric system, EVERYTHING uses the metric system. then i stumble on an idiot who makes me go to a converter so I can understand his pound-inch-based lingo. FUCK YOU

  • 25
    Try baking recepies, those are the best.. one cup of..shiiiiitt... What cup?! O.o
  • 13
    1/16, 3/64 😅

    I don't get how anyone can work with that.
  • 10
    Yeah and the rest of the Western world has to kill using awkward 7.62 mm. What the fuck, just so that some Texas hillbilly can nail a clean 3 inch hole in someone's ass.
  • 13
    Actually, metric system was born in xvii century, and became official in Europe about just 200 years ago, so it's not appropriate to say "for centuries". To compare, US became independent in xviii. UK&co wanted to stay ideologically independent from France, so they kept their own units, and that's how it looks till present times. Imperial system is older.
  • 0
    They got it from the Brits but even they dropped it. It‘s a shame that besides the land of Donald Duck most* avionic and maritime systems use this shit.

    *Russian and Chinese military planes used to have metric avionics
  • 0
    Another annoyance: inconsistent decimal separators and groupings of zeroes

    ffs decide on one system and use it everywhere, damnit.
  • 0
    @Haxk20 is there a name for that unit? 😂
  • 0
    @Jilano either I missed it and spent time reading about a highway or you sent me on a wild goose chase
  • 1
    It's older.
    Stupid, but older.

    I assume the country hasn't changed over to metric because most people are too stupid (or too stubborn) to understand it.

    Rod chain furlong acre hectare twip stone and goddamn foot-pound. Who in their right mind....

    And nothing has consistent conversions! Everything is some ungodly arbitrary number!

    But I digress. It's the system of measurements used when the country was founded because that's what was standard at the time.
  • 0
    There is a video on YouTube by Today I Found Out that explains it a bat. There was a guy who was en route to a young US to get us to switch, but he was taken by pirates. He missed the deadline and we have inches, feet, and miles because of it.
  • 2
    Because America has self esteem issues so needs to feel special by being different.... really different.
  • 0
    @Jilano they have self esteem issues too... Is one of their arguments: it makes me feel unique?
  • 0
    Well guess what, the US officially uses metric, they base their crappy imperial units in metric for the public's use, but all oficial and science shit is actually metric.

    So lol fucking idiots
  • 3
    In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities
  • 1
    @FuckJava The American answer is "why would I care, let's just invade Bhutan and grab their butane, then we can boil the whole Arctic and even have penguin soup".
  • 1
    What you say applies to Australia as well. Let's export more coal. Coal does not warm anything. To quote, climate change is "probably doing good; or at least, more good than harm" (Tony Abbott)
  • 0
    @mundo03 - What's so "exceptional" about basing retard units off of an established, universal, cohesive decimal system of units? Why not then just cut out the conversion middle man and use the metric system in it's pure form?
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