Yepp.. The older you get, the faster the time flies by. Remember how long days used to be when you were 10? How much you used to do then? And now? You barely skim through your emails and it's already lunch time.. And soon after that it's already time to go home, go to sleep. And the next day is the same. Round robin, round robin... And when you think that the pooft-you're-gone moment is approaching faster and faster every year, you wonder what are you leaving behind, to remember you by.. A few dev projects that will drown to oblivion a few years after you're out, a few modules in other projects that will live longer but your code lines will soon be overwritten and forgotten in git's history, where noone ever scrolls to. Your own projects you have never released. Your fam who will remember you until their grandchildren - after that older generations are forgotten...

What is it that will keep people saying your name after you're gone? What significant have you given to the life?

  • 2
    When i were 10 the time was faster. Wake up, breakfast, walking to school, getting bored/mobbed by the teachers, go home on obscure ways to not get beaten, homework, reading books, tv, sleep, repeat.
  • 1
    One of these tags misuses a word.
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    @kescherRant I know :) do you see me care?

    After all, it's not that far off. There are lighter forms of it, seasonal ones
  • 2
    sad, but I am already sad, so...
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    @Coffe2Code did your boss have a chat with you after that presentation? :) I wonder how it turned out.
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    @netikras no he didn't, and I don't care even if he did.
    If he asked me why, I would say: What did you expect when I've been working so hard an doing unpaid overtime and without any rise
  • 2
    You wanna get depressed? Here is one answer to your question: Kill a few million people and your name will echo until eternity.

    Sad, but true.
  • 1
    @ddephor the more sad thing is that you don't have the power to kill few million people, you'll get caught and beaten to death after you kill the first person..
  • 7
    Time goes by faster because you repeat what you do too much. Try travelling or do something you suck at and you will notice it slow down
  • 1
    When I was ten, days used to have 24 hours.
    good old days..
  • 3
    I agree msdev01 ... but the main problem is work.

    You cannot travel when you have to work, and work sucks eight hours right out of your day, plus commute, lunchtime and overtime, hygiene and sleep ... and quickly you have like 4 hours of every day left. And in those 4 hours you have to do all non-work-related obligations, from dishes to laundry - god forbid you have a family.

    Time flies by like in the old Time Machine movie.
  • 1
    This post is really depressing.
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    @mksana true, but you can switch work or spend time on stuff outside in your free time. Also, if you minimize expenses, work remotely you can live somewhere cheap and work less.

    Its worthless in trying to be on the top and competing with everyone, better to do the opposite. Move to the country side, work like 3 months per year and live dirt cheap.

    A lot of things are possible when you stop moving with the crowd. Go MGTOW, start your FIRE plan today.
  • 2
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
  • 1
    @stop the time in the school is so slow...
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    @Coffe2Code the lighter forms are called melancholy.
  • 2
    This rolls around my head daily. I feel it in my soul and I swing mildly between paralysis and manic task driven masturbation. But in the end it doesn’t matter... even the best of us that left the biggest marks on society have been forgotten after a few years.

    Enjoy your time. Create and experience freely in this amazing 3D world our souls get to play in and have no regrets except for the things you wanted to experience but never did.
  • 1

    I share your general notion, albeit it is unfortunately not that simple, at least not over here. Even disregarding the effects working less (and thus having less salary) would have on your pension (and I'd totally be willing to disregard that part), almost all developer job offers are full-time.

    Even reducing from a 40h week to a 37.5h week is usually out of the question, let alone doing a more drastical reduction. Heck, even increasing the vacation days is usually a big no-no, even if you are willing to more than cover the difference in terms of a salary hit.

    The only realistic chance to make something like that happen I see would be to go freelancer, but since I'm not very good at the self-marketing required I've been reluctant to go there...
  • 0
    @mksana start your own company. Maybe partner with someone. Create something instead of simply being a consultant even if that is ok too.
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