I’ve battled depressed I failed to realized I had for many years. I didn’t love myself, I forgot what it felt like to love myself, and then one day my life turned around out of the blue. I believe my turning point was when I realized that I wasn’t alone and that people did care about me. I just wasn’t motivated especially after almost losing my cousin to suicide 3-4 months back. It changed my DNA, my personality, everything about me changed until I told myself that I had enough.

Today marks the 4th month where I last had a cup of coffee, soda, or junk food in general because in all honesty it was just making my depression worse. Today also marks the 4th month I’ve been going to the gym without fail and I’ve now noticed how far I’ve come. I love myself more than ever now and I am VERY goal oriented as well. I have one more year left until I get my bachelors degree in Software Development and soon after I’ll go in for my Masters and who knows what I’ll do after that.

It’s all uphill from here and by sticking to my new routines I am feeling a lot better as the days and months pass.

Attached is my progress thus far, left is from when I felt at my lowest and right is the progress I’ve made so far with improving myself and where I am at now.

I love myself, I love those that love me, and I LOVE feeing AMAZING like I do now when I wake up every morning waiting to see what the day has in store for me 😄❤️

  • 2
    Way to go😼
  • 8
    And I came in thinking this was an advert for some JS library
  • 4
    Very inspirational, thank you for sharing 👍

    Btw, pretty wrong section lol 😂
  • 0
    @dmonkey story time is story time 😂🙏
  • 5
    “I changed my DNA”- No you did not.
  • 2
    @aviophile your comment is hardly appropriate
  • 1
    @aviophile I used "It" not "I" so you might want to get your vision checked ASAP. Just some actual HELPFUL advice instead of shitposting on my story :)
  • 2
    Well on the one hand you're proud of what you achieved and want to share your progress, which is good and might inspire others.
    On the other hand there's tons of people at the stage where you started and who perhaps lack the willpower or have realities that dont allow them to invest the time and to them it might feel like rubbing it in.

    And to me it was like "wuut, a fitness before-after on devrant, that's unconvential" *click* :D. Physically I'm probably closer to your low point, but idc I'm happy :) Keep going!
  • 1
    @webketje I mean the entire concept of this platform is to "rant" about the mishaps people have as "devs" but I also believe at times where there are so much negativity and hatred, a little light over the sad little plants goes a long way :) I do value your input nonetheless! Though, I also believe that if you spread positive energy into the atmosphere, those that really need it will grasp onto the same energy and feel somewhat enlightened or motivated to actually better themselves. But tbh that is a lot to ask of people, even those too depressed to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I do my best to guide those who are willing to make positive changes in their lives. It is what it is at the end of the day, all I can do is constantly send my positive vibes and energy to each and everyone here who is having a bad day/week 🙏
  • 0
    @irene then what DOES inspire you? I am always curious to hear other people's take on where they get their motivation from because that's all I really want to do in the end, motivate people to improve themselves but ONLY if they really want that. I don't like forcing people to do things they don't want to do, that's just not my style tbh
  • 1
    Good for you man... life will have its ups and downs... this discipline will pay off when things get tough. Keep it up. Im in adown myself... I'm inspired, thanks.
  • 1
    Congrats, man! It is really hard to get out of comfort when you have depression and you are in a really amazing path
  • 1
    Great move by going to the gym to stay fit and motivated
  • 1
    @irene you need to do adventurous things such as skydiving, bungee jump or a long mountain hike. You should spring back right after these activities 😏
  • 1
    @irene okay can we be friends tho?
  • 1
    @irene maybe video call to make your day a little more livelier, WhatsApp?
  • 1
    @irene call me +2347082135105
  • 1
    @Nanos once you add my phone number as a contact, you can call me 🤙
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