
Your opinion on radical feminism?

  • 15
    Anything radical is bad.
  • 6
    I can't tell you how much I dispise it. Collectivism is evil no matter what
  • 11
    Strictly negative because it's cherry picking with more rights for women and more duties for men.
  • 16
    Just another form of sexism.
  • 4
    @dudeking I’m planning to neither agree nor argue with this comments. I just wanna know what people of my industry think, that’s it
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    @uyouthe devRant seems to be surprisingly sensible in this regard... Pretty much of opposite of the general industry
  • 13
    Radically stupid and ridiculously bad.
    It makes everything worse, for everyone. Women included.
  • 5
    @Codex404 sounds like a radical anti radical opinion you've got there...
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    Everyone should have equal rights. For example a billionaire shouldn’t have the right to do something a normal schmuck can’t do. Like cross a border without going through standard procedure. Or buy their kid grades at a school.

    The legal expectation and rules shouldn’t change depending on who you are. However social state always changes. You are not socially equal to yourself a year ago. Any system to elevate one person or demote another socially is creation of a biased system and they generally don’t expire.

    I worked for a governmental organization and we had a talk about “women in the workforce” and there were literally only 2/40 people there that were men. Nobody got rid of that section of the annual meeting since 1985 or removed the hiring bias. Nobody wants to be the one to remove those policies. So don’t make them.
  • 2
    I never met one in person so no opinion.
  • 3
    @enigmamachine I can't find the connection between your post and the topic
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    @dudeking I am pretty sure that is the motto for the millennial generation.
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    This is the kind of post that's really hard to upvote. I think conversation is a way to a better future no matter what the subject is.
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    My 2 cents,

    Radicalism is allways bad. Period.

    Radical feminists are just... Sigh, I dont even know where to begin with. Just na-da.

    And apparently I met too many radical feminists in life, when I hear feminist and I dare to comment that I dislike feminists approach, I prefer XYZ approach, i hear that I am feminist... Im male.... With time i learned actual difference, and I can support **some** feminists but IMHO radicals are KOS if that was legal.
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    @electrineer My opinion on radical feminism is what I stated. That the practical implementation of basic feminism can end up immutable if created. As equal rights are attained the policies created to promote social equality eventually become policies that cause social imbalance. It is more difficult to change an institution than a paradigm.
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    Kindda offtopic, my buddy (shes a women btw) says explicity that equality is impossible, and it will happen only if men start giving births and women work in coal mines (not office).
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    I was a feminist. Feminists, and their draconian, separatist, knee jerk, views, the abject inability to unite behind a common cause, instead fracturing time and money by making it all about your sub-agenda, always having to fork out dosh when attending any sort of gathering. And I'm not singling out just females. Men are lost in there as well. No more for this man. Ya had me, ya blew it. I'm much happier and calmer. Yep.
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    @dudeking After submitting my reply, NOW I see your comment. Shit...
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    @bols59 back then, did you think that pandering to feminists would get you laid?
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    Thats just sexism with extra steps.
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    @DubbaThony Equality is perfectly possible, because it literally exists right now (mostly). *Equity* isn't possible because unlike the social constructionists like to claim, people differ biologically
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    Okay, I have hard time understanding... Equity according to google translate is same as justice (given my language) while equality is something that is same ( = sign in maths).

    You can achieve equity but equality is impossible due biological differences.

    Or thats just language niuance
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    @DubbaThony I think he mixed up the terms himself because the way you explained it is how it's taught to me.
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    @Codex404 Yeee, probably.
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    @DubbaThony two objects can be equal without being identical (≡ sign in math)
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    @electrineer given context there is biological inequality thats impossible to compensate.

    (May be opinion based thats impossible to compesate, here is elabored:

    IMHO true equality will be when noone ever considers if someone is male or female. If we forget meaning of these words and they are entirely extinct. Thats place where IMHO you only can get true equality)

    And yeah, its pretty close to identicality but identicality implies all characteristics are same (personality, etc.) whereas equality currently considered trait (male/female for example).

    At least thats my take on the subject. And yeah, equality would be imho good for society but it isnt possible
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    @DubbaThony biological inequality exists also between two persons of the same sex
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    @DubbaThony @Codex404 Equity means equality of outcome: Everbody is entitled to the same stuff and any difference is eradicated via an authoritarian state. Equality means equality of opportunity: Everbody is allowed to do the same stuff and is treated equally.

    Despite them having a very similar name they couldn't be further apart. They really have absolutely nothing common, in fact they're mutually exclusive
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    @DubbaThony @uyouthe Genderless society doesn't work at any level. When you let men and women make free choices, the differences between them increases the more free and egalitarian the society is. Gender is not a social construct that just exists for the fun of it. It's very deeply engrained in our biology
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    Yes, thats very true, but offtopic, and my considerations are on-topic ;)


    I said, you wont get equality bc its physically impossible
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    @DubbaThony Just my two cents. I was mostly replying to an earlier comment claiming I mixed up something and to @uyouthe
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    @12bitfloat that comment was hella confusing given for my language both words translate to almost synonymous words ;)
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    @DubbaThony Most native english speakers don't even know the difference because they sound almost the same so no worries
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    Okay, so, instead of trying to translate it, i just googled in english. Monday morning me didnt had this bright idea **facepalm**. Now, only my concern is, since equinty idea targets same outcome, question is, is outcome same with same efford or not? If yes, okay, intresting idea, but too fresh for me to have proper opinion, but otherwise i see exploits within it, which I dislike becouse people are people, and I dont have to explain why?

    I feel like too many people out there exploit too much of system just becouse system tried to help them.
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    @DubbaThony The idea of equality of outcome is the philosophical foundation for communism: Everybody should do as best as they can and everybody should have the same stuff. The problem is that in every single domain of work there are people who are better and worse at it. Under equity, the people who are worse are priveleged while the ones doing better are oppressed. In pratice the people that are good at what they do (and their families) are either killed or sent to brutal work/concentration camps. Competence is punished instead of rewarded which is the worst possible idea for a society. Even if you are purely selfish you profit from other people being competent and productive which is why free, capitalist societies are the greatest there have ever been
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    @DubbaThony In practice the problem with equity is not people abusing the system. It's the system being unproductive and not rewarding competence, thus not providing a good result for anyone
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    Thats second thing. Youre right, so tl;dr is that currently we have actually pretty decent system compared to what it **could** be
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    @uyouthe Sure why not. Can't get behind that because it would be the most boring thing ever but okay
  • 2

    Boring for you, relief for others, funny for others.

    And some ppl, like me,d2 finally wouldnt be required to give a fuck about these differences, so you know by accident someone dosent feel salty about XYZ.

    Why the fuck there are such things as "manners" that heavly empathize women, which translates to simplest things as holding doors and waiting regardless if you are in rush or not. Just not giving a fuck would make life easier.

    Okay, i started ranting, so im cutting it here be4 someone calls me out for beeing sexist or bullshit like that, I prefer perfect equality on all fronts.
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