
What a SaaS startup company should do for you to trust it?

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    Please don't go all devastating on this. I know that the state of privacy nowadays is troubled but this question really matters to me because I want to start that kind of company myself and I really want to hear your constructive opinions.
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    What gives me trust in a company?
    Not a lot.

    As for SaaS:
    I don't like startup models, they die over night.

    I don't like over complicated pricing models (fuck you aws - you evil yet glorious pain in my ass)

    as for privacy... well given the current state of the world on that problem, I trust no one with what they say.
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    @Jilano we have sex tapes and you didn't tell me 😟 dude my porn bill is high this month.
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    Don't tell me you're a startup. Sell yourself as professionals but still tell the truth. Don't tell me I can visit mars but then mars is just part of a skybox.

    And as @C0D4 stated, keep the fucken price models simple. As soon as there are more options than free and pro just piss off.
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    publish anomysed requests from legal authorities that have errors in it like Posteo.
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    I would look how easy you make it for a customer to leave. If you lock in the customer like e.g. Wix, I'd assume that there are good reasons why you have to fear competitors and your offer isn't actually good. No data portability equals no deal.
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    @stop excuse me but I don't quite get it. Could you please elaborate on that?
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    it under "Constitutional state out of control: indefensible circumstances in manual requests for user information under § 113 TKG"
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    Be very transparent about what data you collect and regularly check what data you might not have to collect anyways.

    Also, the less data you have, the less can get compromised, analyzed and so on.

    For me it all depends on trust and this can only, imo, be achieved when you at least open source the apps and such, like Tutanota does.
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    confluent is doing it right with kafka.
    transparent pricing, good documentation and support for other stuff... and its a few years running already.
    trustworzhy for me
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    Open source
    Zero knowledge
    Regular audits

    Edit: algo necro. ☹
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