
Going to give a keynote speech in a convention in Karlsruhe, Germany next week. I'm excited.

Any recommendations from local devRanters?

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    Fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn..

    I miss the autobahnπŸ˜”
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    Say the n-word
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    Talk about something technically interesting that is shaping the future. Not some sociological bullshit that just points blame at specific groups.

    Basically, something cool and techy. Not AI.
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    @12bitfloat notepad ?? 😦
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    @Demolishun lol, thanks for the tip but I'm not gonna talk about anything sociological 😁

    @RantSomeWhere thanks for the input. I always try to refrain from buzzwords + its a technical talk and a live demo of our platform. The audience is mostly researchers from the academic world and maybe a few business people.

    @12bitfloat nope 😝

    @just8littleBit what is autobahn?
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    Go to Oxford Pub, it's the best restaurant for students in Karlsruhe!
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    @Godsbane thanks! Will do
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    @bioDan It's the German highway.
    Autobahn directly translated means "cartrack".
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    @PrivateGER thanks 😊
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    @bioDan don't count on good internet in germany πŸ˜†
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    @RantSomeWhere honestly, I’d disagree with that.

    It’s true hat they (we) talk a lot but we always try to prove our point.
    E.g: “Windows sucks” and then talking for half an hour to explain why this statement is true in our own opinion.

    Not that it makes it any better but after half an hour we actually make one statement.
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    @RantSomeWhere yes thats true, the most annoying ones are those narcisists, who want you to solve their company problems for free while they're fishing for compliments.

    Where you then have to lie and say "I'm happy to discuss that issue with you afterwards in private"

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    @RantSomeWhere with that I can agree.
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    Don't do this. Definitely don't. You only get one pass, sometimes not even that. It's valuable!

    Why not save it for something more important? Like auction on ebay? Or i don't know, yelling at that one motherfucker who cuts you off in traffic when you're pulling out of the gas station because they just HAVE to be out of the parking lot first.

    YOU KNOW WHO IM TALKING ABOUT. TYRONE STOP FUCKING CUTTING ME OFF. I see you in your escalade, every day, I know you're doing it. I can hear your speakers. Its you, every day, the same time, laughing, and tossing garbage out of your window before you drive away with dat hoe.

    Wait, what were we talking about?

    Edit: Hating javascript and all javascript related things is usually a safe course.
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