
Any suggestions for Dev team names? My team has several new people and we have decided to change our name.

  • 0
    What about "Rulers of Area 34"?
  • 1
    It's sooo annoying when devs do that.. They might think this will be fun and funky, while irl I have to remember which sports car is working on a payments module.

    Wtf, why can't it be a payments' dev team?
  • 2
    there are 5 types of names.
    here some examples out of my brand design book. https://amazon.com/gp/aw/...
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    Hungry Herd
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    wet bandits
  • 1
    I'm in the " team names are stupid" camp. Probably because I'm also in the "teams are stupid" camp.
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  • 1
    The Anti Social Club

    and get these hoodies in pink
  • 0
    @JustThat it is a bit cozy in the present day. A time where expertise is frowned upon and decisions are made on group "feelings". Software development today is a group of people sitting in a drum circle, singing Kum ba yah, and committing to holding each other's hands between each semi weekly solstice celebration. But to your point, yeah, it's a tent.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t if the team decides that a peace pipe will help the team reach the 2 week solstice successfully, then you may certainly have a peace pipe.
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