
Hi, my manager is leaving soon. I’ve only been here for short of 2 years and I’ve been promoted once already. It has come time to hire another dev. My director asked me to think about what I want for my career and how to hire the right person. I don’t want to become a manager if that means to stop coding and building stuff. Any advice or experiences you guys have had with this? I’m supposed to have a catchup with my director and he told me to think about it, but I only can think in terms of Problem-Solution. Not in abstract strategic career positioning or team management etc.

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    Being a developer is being part of the production chain. Even though you might have put much more effort in your education, you're nothing more than a replaceable worker in a factory. I personally prefer to be the owner of the factory, or at least one of his friends.

    I've never met a developer over the age of 35, which was not in some sort of management position (or self employed).
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    Nothing stops you from building and managing projects inside of a manager's position.

    Source: I am the manager of my departmem and get my hands dirty on a daily basis.
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