
What are some things you wish were documented more often/at all?

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    Source code is the best documentation. It's never more outdated or incomplete than the product.
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    I actually wish I read the documentation of all the things I had used rather than having to read later only to realize how wrong I was
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    A throughout architectural scheme with data flow directions and protocols/ports being used for any project I get my hands on - that I'd like very much.
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    @electrineer I wish that was true but a former colleague proved that even source code can lie if you are good enough at incompetence :/
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    Examples. Too often there are docs and they seem complete and thorough but when I ask myself "okay how do I now configure this for more than a hello world app" I end up doing trial and error to figure it out anyway.
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    The Windows operating system.
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    Recipes for common use cases.

    A lot of us are cooks. Very few of us are chefs.
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