-- What if JavaScript never existed?
-- What if HTML was a programming language?
-- What if our data online isn't abstract but physical?
-- What if geeks have their own country?
-- What if humans exist and we are the aliens?
-- What if the internet is state-owned?
-- What if we could download food just like every other downloadables?
-- What if my VSCode won't kill me when switched to light theme?
-- What if there was no gender and the word "female" is just an alias for "male"?
-- What if bugs could find and fix themselves?
-- What if there's no need for an account password?
-- What if Linux was owned by Microsoft?
-- **What if I could tell my boss that I'm tired of his fucking job without actually telling my boss? This is the actual what if.**

  • 15
    Lay off the ganja
  • 1
    Woah man. But lol at light theme killing you.
  • 2
    Boss already knows you're tired but doesn't care. Start rejecting work overload once in a while and ask for a few days off.
  • 4
    Better yet, what if we only used JS for Front End ONLY. Man that’s a good one, or even better, What if the abomination known as electron never existed and software like Atom, VSCode, Slack, and Discord were written properly.
  • 6
    What if shit posts were never posted?
  • 3
    @Stuxnet What if shit comments where never commented?
  • 3
  • 3
    #3 is technically true.
    #9 is being pushed for, as a lot of LGBT+ want to rewrite every language on Earth to fit their needs. (I get inclusivity, but ffs, rewriting all languages?)
    #11: please google "smart cards" and "biometric scanners"
  • 2
    @GiddyNaya What if people could recognize when someone is not actually talking about them?
  • 2
    @Bubbles What if everything was written properly? In assembly.
  • 0
    Cool idea or repost, but some of those "what if" are stupid, and have a clear "Actually...".
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 What if we were just joking around?
  • 2
    @c3r38r170 you’re hired
  • 2
    #4:Geeks (and nerds) already have Greenland bro.

    #7:The light theme won't kill you **if** you are coding in sunlight.

    #2:Htma is a thing.

    #11:Google accounts actually let you login via no password, but via your phone.

    Good luck at the last one.
  • 3
    1) we'd be using VB script instead
    2) 🤷‍♂️would make for less JS/VB dependency
    3) maybe it is
    4) Geekopia, come one get with the times
    5) what if the aliens we are looking for are the humans in the future that worked out interstellar travel
    6) have you been to china?
    7) whoot - the jetsons weren't lying after all
    8) there's a light theme?
    9) seriously, there is no gender, just like there's no time, these are human terms.
    10) AI... doesn't it already do this?
    11) biometrics, smart cards, this shit already exists
    12) prove it isn't.
    13) hey Boss, fuck you! - there I did it for you.
  • 1
    @Bubbles I don't have any gripes with VsCode except for its Typescript hints. Typora is the best markdown editor I've worked with. If anything, short time to market trumps "clean code" for Electron-based apps
  • 0
    -- What if JavaScript never existed?

    ==> We'd be turning PHP into a frankenstein monster

    -- What if HTML was a programming language?

    ==> It is, get over it.

    -- What if our data online isn't abstract but physical?

    ==> It is in fact physical, it's just on an atomic level you can't really feel or touch, but it is in fact all physically stored as electromagnetic charges.

    -- What if geeks have their own country?

    ==> We'd live in Cyberpunk 2077 while the rest of the world rots away

    -- What if humans exist and we are the aliens?

    ==> To the universe, all species are just accidental hunks of matter

    -- What if the internet is state-owned?

    ==> We would not live in that state and let that said state rot, see 'geeks country'
  • 1
    -- What if we could download food just like every other downloadables?

    ==> We would not stop at downloading food, we would go beyond any personal perversion we might have and might discover and download even crazier shit .Also, bears.

    -- What if my VSCode won't kill me when switched to light theme?

    ==> VSCode won't kill you, but Eclipse will.

    -- What if there was no gender and the word "female" is just an alias for "male"?

    ==> We'd have a serious issue with determining who we'd hit up, also, everyone would be gay. Also all current genders in between would have no alias and thus create even more issues.

    -- What if bugs could find and fix themselves?

    ==> We would not exist, skynet would rule the solar system, human species are kept in zoos like any other biological lifeform
  • 0
    -- What if there's no need for an account password?

    ==> We'd be using USB sticks with SSL certificates on it guess

    -- What if Linux was owned by Microsoft?

    ==> We'd be using HURD, and would burn microsoft to ashes.

    -- **What if I could tell my boss that I'm tired of his fucking job without actually telling my boss? This is the actual what if.**

    ==> It would mean you accepted your fate as a dirty wage slave and don't have the guts to change into something better for yourself. You should just tell him (followed with your resignation notice)
  • 0
  • 0
    Have you used DriverPack before? it works with app.htma
  • 0
    @melezorus34 Not at all, I'll do a proper search later.
  • 2
    @webketje VSCode is my go to editor I just hate that it was made with electron.
  • 1
    @Bubbles Yo totally off-topic about the original post but, after a clean VS code install, do you just copy your config and extension files or what? Beyond tutorials, what are your steps for setting them up?
  • 1
    @c3r38r170 press f1 to view config as json and afaik there was a ext2nsion that saves your config to github. You have to install ext. manually though.
  • 1
    @c3r38r170 not too many of my settings are changed. I’ve only changed the color theme and font. But my extensions I keep a list of. And I make sure my keyboard shortcuts are correct but that’s it
  • 2
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