
To be a Java (or other business popular language) developer
* Java 6, 8 and features up to 14
* SQL + nosql
* Caching
* Logging eg log4j2,
* Searching eg elastic stack
* Reactive
* Framework (at least 1, but hey, knowing 1 is lame..)
* Networking or at least base http knowledge
* Tomcat, jboss or other shit
* Aws, heroku, GCE or other SAAS/paas
* Rest, RPC, soap
* Business Hello World example
* Hexagonal Architecture
* Ddd
* Cqrs
* 12 app factor
* Solid
* Patterns
* docket
* Kubernetes
* Microservices
* Security, oauth2
* concurrency
* Cloud
* Eureka or consul as service Discovery
* Config server
* Hazel cast
* Endless story ...

Then we can start hello word app

  • 7
    What the actual fuck are you talking about
  • 1
    @yellow-dog Well if you want to be a fortune-500 lead dev one day, you should start by using their entire global-scale stack in every app you write.

    - OP, probably
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