When I test my app everything works
When someone tests SHIT doesn't work on signing up user

WTF !!!!!

if you have the time try registering
Info doesn't hve to be legit
Just make sure password is >= 4 characters

  • 2
    Register -> press button, form clears, no confirmation.

    Go to login, form clears, no errror.


    I think she be broken.
  • 1
    Thanks for the feedback bro
    That's the issue right there
    Surprisingly if I register it works

    Let me see if I can activate error feedback in forms
  • 1
    Hie there again
    could you please try again
    I've added error feedback on reg form
    i so curious to know what it is everyone is facing!!!!
  • 3
    @Taqsblaz3 apparently my 60+ character password is too strong for you 😔

    -> Field must be between 4 and 8 characters long.

    Ok, get redirected to login page, login page doesn't work now 🤷‍♂️

    You obviously aren't testing outside your rules for credentials, not giving hints up front as to what the problem is.
  • 1
    I greatly appreciate your time
    thank you very much
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