One of the companies that rejected me sent me feedback which I took gracefully coz u sexy cunts told me it wasn't the end of the world when I ranted about it here. Well now they are offering me another interview and I am hella nervous coz I don't want to fuck it. Good thing is the feedback they gave me were actually all shit I know and use daily in my work, I am just bad at explaining plsu was nervous at the last interview. Now I am worried coz it's on monday and I have not had time to practice explaining the lang well coz work has been crazy (literally on a 10 min break now since 9am..almost 10hrs working) which is weird right coz last year I actually used to teach.

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    *continues to scream as she runs towards the horizon*
  • 6
    *hears a scream getting louder and louder*

    @NoMad can you change the direction you are running and screaming to
  • 9
    @electrineer aaaAAAAAAAaaaaa
    *screams while running past you*
  • 2
    Just remember.

    What I don't know, just don't forget! And panic... Wait, don't panic? Keep calm and remember all.
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    They want you or they wouldn't be asking you to come in again. Interviews are expensive, remember that. Go nail that shit ;-)
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    @witchDev now when you get selected you should reject them. Nothing like a sweet revenge 😈
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    @hardfault 😂 I feel like I am too poor to play such games.
  • 1
    @witchDev I mean not right away accept it keep applying get a second offer from another company then reject 🤯
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