
Starts PHP development team which will deploy on Debian... all developers must work on Windows :/

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    I stumbled across a company that does this for IT reasons.
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    @jirehstudios Yeah I can get the easy management of all machine on Windows (Sys Admin uses Mint btw lol) They also want ISO but I just prefer Linux :(
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    time to start developing into Docker containers!
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    @NoNameCode I didn't even consider that, might do that 👍🏻
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    @mclark1129 Yeah, the apps I build are in Docker containers, miss Guake :/
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    Vagrant it, brah !
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    @mcraz vagrant is awesome, but for some reasons slow af for large projects.. I need to create a new theme and plugin for owncloud, it has thousands of files and is very slow in vagrant.. wirks good on "real" linux server.
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    @mcraz Yeah Vagrant is good, though sharing/syncing folders between host and guest is pretty slow :/
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    @linxlad I know the pain. I've been through stuffs like using ftp from my ID to sync files with vagrant.

    Or you could try the vmware version. Heard it's pretty fast.
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    Use codeanywhere myself with custom containers. Really robust and you can define your environment. Dope dope
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    All of my co-workers work on Windows PCs running VirtualBox with Ubuntu for the actual environment. *facepalm*
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