Just picked up my first BMW motorcycle.

2016 S1000RR

Extremely excited 😀

  • 4
    Doesn't look bad for a Beemer. ^^ Congrats!
  • 2
    Wanna go fast
  • 0
    Let's hear some sweet exhaust music
  • 3
    Two thoughts:

    Deadpool would be proud.

    Not a bike for fat people.
  • 1
    Eine schicke BMW 👍
  • 3
    good for you, fren!

    be sure to use all the protective gear and clothing when you ride!
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    @Demolishun would be so funny. An obese women on that thing.
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    Enjoy, take good care of the beauty, and it will stay a beast
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    Just don't get yourself killed with it plz.
  • 1
    For god’s sake, be careful. Those accelerate much quicker than cars, and there are careless asshole drivers trying to race motorcycles and end up crashing into traffic and you
  • 4
    @uyouthe I see stuff saying watch for motorcycles. However, most of the time they are accelerating and weaving into places that will get them killed. Just doing stupid shit that would be stupid in a car. I watch for all vehicles, but I am less sympathetic to motorcyclists with a death wish. I get extra vigilant when one is around. I don't want to clean idiot off my hood.
  • 2
    I love all the billboards about motorcycle safety. Wish I could find my favorite, "Watch out for motorcycles! They're everywhere!"
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    Break a leg, seriously
  • 3
    Looks awesome. As someone who had jaw surgery because I got lazy and didn't strap my helmet on right, I would remind ppl yo make sure you wear full protective gear at all times.
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    @hashedram Oh yeah, without full integral helmet, I would have needed such a surgery, too.
  • 2

    First BMW motorcycle, not my first bike. I started on a 600 and have ridden for 3 years. I’m not a pro but at this point I know what not to do.
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    Thanks for all the kind words and whatnot. It’s a huge change from my previous bike.

    Love it so far 🏍 👍👍
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    @Nachfolger Btw., I'm also a biker: https://devrant.com/rants/2072338/...

    Though mine is "a little" older. ^^
  • 1
    Always wished for this but also terrfied of these, stay safe. Too many wild drivers on the roads now a days
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    we really need a light harnass or jacket that acts like sports equipment or a cushion, but for the spine.
  • 3
    Mate always wear your leathers. I just totalled my '03 Yamaha R6 just over a month ago, and I'm so glad I was wearing my leathers
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