
GitHub is tiktok but for programmers.
Change my mind

  • 15
    Wrong, I don't video myself being a dumbass for updoots.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t this is a thing? 👀
    Fuck this world is moronic at times.
  • 1
    TikTok is Chinese spyware, Github is NSA spy platform
  • 0
    @Jilano nope, my updoots don't define me, that just make me look important 😅
  • 2
    Kinda. Ppl will do anything for internet points and it's insanely retarded
  • 1
    People are accurately described by their devrant usernames.

    Change my mind.
  • 2
    Github doesn't:

    - Filter out the poor and ugly.
    - Prioritise it's PR department when a death happens on the platform.
    - Try it's best to skirt sound copyright laws.

    They're pretty different.
  • 1
    Nah, not enough tits on Github because it isn't Tithub.
  • 1
    Bruh this app is tiktok for programmers.
  • 0
    Tik tok is a good looking app/site tho
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