

What's your favorite alcohol?

Mine is a vodka lemonade mix.

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    @root I bet yours is gin lmao
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    @Stuxnet 🙄
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    Depends on the day
    But if I had to pick something, it would be rum.

    Second would be vodka, not because I'm a huge fam, but because it has so many Korean possibilities than everything else.

    Gin is nice, but has so much flavor that it's pretty far dawn the list.

    I would like to think autocorrect for this post. Without your sincere efforts, thus would not have been possible.
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    @Root what does Korean possibilities mean?
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    @AleCx04 I don't even know what I was trying to type anymore
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    @Root oof I've been there

    But vodka really does have the most possibilities. Lemonade, cranberry juice, Sprite, prolly orange juice, I've even made a smoothie with it lol
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    @rutee07 mmmm tasty 😂
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    Hard to say.

    I like whiskey straight as a default. have a couple bottles of pappy and a 2013 yamazaki sherry cask for my indulgences.

    For mixers, Its either Manhattan or old fashioned (I like to bastardize those with bulleit rye). Bloody caeser with extra anchovies for veggie base. Gin drinks, an aviation hands down.

    Vodka, I make a Moscow mule with a Serrano simple I do myself.

    Beer, fuck me I couldn't choose. Not west coast IPA, not mass produced lager, not light.

    Sours are my jam too; there's tons of them.
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    Whiskey on rocks , i am basic
    LIIT when i wanna get completely destroyed ( this has never happened )
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    Whiskey on the rocks, old fashioned, brandy. Not really a beer or vodka person.
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    @rutee07 I had to wait in a line for a basketball game and I almost filled up a few empty water bottles with vodka lemonade to help pass the time. But it makes me piss like crazy so I was hesitant on doing that considering it was like 3 hours of waiting.
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    @Root admit it. You were drunk when you wrote that post weren't you.
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    @rutee07 should never have encouraged you. You've been flanderized! I mourn the loss of the old Rutee!
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    At the moment, my fav alcohol is hand gel
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    Med-sweet red wine.
    Hot wine

    a couple times a year
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    Mango juice.
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    I like whisky neat, beer and homemade Chinese baijiu(50+%).

    Everything goes down but those are my personal favorites
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    Red Wine, Beer (especially Porter or Imperial Stout), Whiskey (Old Fashioned, Godfather)
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    Vodka mixed with coke zero. No sugar means less hangover.

    Though I drink rarely these days, last time was New Year's Eve. An upside is that my liver values are perfectly good.
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    Usually I'm never able to give an answer to those "if you had to pick one for life" questions - but if I had to pick a drink, it would absolutely be gin & tonic. Gin is the absolute best for me.
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    Islay Scotch (Ardbeg Corryvreckan and Uigeadail for example) w/o ice. Botucal rum. I also like Guinness and German "Altbier".
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    I could start my favorite longdrink recipe now.

    Tall glass, 5 small ice cubes, crushed fresh mint leaves from my garden to fill about 1cm then fill 1/3 with any straight bourbon, 2/3 with lemon Iced tea.

    Probably revolting to some people but damn, that stuff is the shit.
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    I'm a fan of spoiled grapes.

    When on LSD, definitely just straight XO Cognac. When sober, I like a good midrange tawny port.

    Not a big fan of wine though, that just tastes like a failed port/cognac to me.

    Strong dry apple/pear ciders are also nice. Beer... only if it's a really good one, and even then I can only sip one slowly without puking. I can down a quarter bottle of cognac and get very drunk without any problems, but most cheap low alcohol pilsners/ales make me puke after just one bottle.
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    I guess limoncello (from Italy)
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    Special beers 💓
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    @linuxxx beer is always good in my book bro, can't wait to tour Europe checking out the amazing brews you lot have over there.
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    @ZioCain I've been enjoying limoncello recently. It has that happy, bright flavor from citrus, but its sadly lacking the sourness. (Sour is best 💚)

    But mmm it's good in some things.

    Lemon cake: milk, rumchata, limoncello. Delicious!

    It also makes sake more palatable, and it's decent with gin, too. I've also used it in a long island (with spiced rum); recommend.
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    @Root It should be used at the end of a huge meal to help digestion.
    The sourness depends on the amount of alcohol in it, but it's never that sour.

    Among the best things to do with it I highly suggest "affogato al limoncello", which I don't know how to translate, but it's some sort of ice cream
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    @ZioCain I've never been a fan of digestives. I also don't eat very much.
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    @Root Root beach babe body confirmed
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    @Root @AleCx04 European alcohol tour together 2021 lmao
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    @Frederick Pro tip: hit Germany first and stock up your trunk with alcohol from German supermarkets.
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    @Fast-Nop German beer is widely respected and imitated here in Texas man!
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    @AleCx04 It's not just that the beer is good - alcohol in general is dirt cheap in Germany.

    Like, vodka Gorbatschow is some typical middle class vodka, actually my preference. Nothing special, good for mixing, no particular headaches, 37.5% vol. 7.50 EUR (US $8.44) per 0.7 litres bottle in the supermarket.

    If you just want to get hammered as cheaply as possible, you can even get a 0.7 litres bottle of vodka for just 5 EUR (US $5.63). And that's 40% vol!
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    @AleCx04 If only 😅
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    @AleCx04 If you ever go through the Netherlands, feel free to hit me up!
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    You can make your tour in Germany only in one year.
    This is a list of some of the alcohol sort in germany:
    For the beers take at least two weeks (if you find someone who stays sober all the time: one week)
    The fruit wines and their destilled versions (Obstler und Geiste)
    Liköre(100g/L sugar and 15% alc.)
    and äppelwoi (applewine)

    @Stuxnet @AleCx04 @Root
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    @rutee07 I guess someone is into corking...
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