
I want to talk with people in English, but my spoken English is poor, what should I do

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    Fit in some diverse discord community and attend voice chats (VC), it's easier that way :) or practice spoken English in appropriate school
  • 6
    1. watch movies and series always in english with subtitles. Talk along. If there is a word you don't understand google translate it and speak it out loud.

    2. What you need is a Language tandem or exchange. Google that with your language. And on facebook there are also language tandem groups.
  • 4
    @rutee07 I haven't tried growing up yet, how does it work?
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    @kindawonderful that was his stepsister
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    @rutee07 pics or it didn't happen

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    Uhm, talk more?
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    I'd say most English speakers are used to hearing broken or heavily accented English. You don't have to be very good to be understandable.
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    Just find any way to talk with someone in English.
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    Like everyone else said: practice. Find where the English is, converse. Find an expat bar and chat some people up. Lots of ways.
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    Almost everybody here replied that you should practice or take a course. But really the question is: why do you feel that your spoken English is poor? Are you afraid it's poor, or do you know it's really bad? What matters to you might not actually be a problem for others.

    So: you could just accept that your English isn't great, but it might be good enough.

    Furthermore, you could ask for feedback from people you talk to in English and ask them if they sometimes have trouble understanding you. That way you can find out how good your spoken English actually is.

    Good luck finding answers! And good luck with becoming better at it.

    Oh and if you do practice by speaking out loud: record yourself and listen, and compare your sound to actual English speakers. It's hard to actually listen to yourself while speaking!
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    @rutee07 ? The good H stuff?
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    @rutee07 of course.
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    For learning any new cognitive skills, most important thing is to allow yourself to make mistakes.
    When we are learning to walk as a infant we never count how many times we fall down but when we grow up we become less forgiving to ourselves
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