I'm so done with Eclipse! Meet my new love, Netbeans!

  • 0
    @Kendos-Kenlen Okay, gonna try it. Thanks ^^
  • 5
    Intellij is the real deal. If you're student, you've a free license for the ultimate version!
  • 2
    @willol Yes I'm a student! I'll download it right away. Thanks :)
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    Welcome to 2007!
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    Wait you're not serious right?
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    Already using from the start of development career..
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    Really try IntelliJ, NetBeans's just a joke :p
  • 1
    Please try IntelliJ. I used Netbeans and then Eclipse, but after I tried IntelliJ it was the only IDE for me. It's awesome!
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    If you have institutional email, try licensing IntelliJ. It is really worth it. They give educational licenses.
  • 1
    What is the main difference with Netbeans? I've always coded in Netbeans.
  • 2
    JetBrains IDEs are the best
  • 1
    JetBrains 4 the win!
    Even android studio is based on IntelliJ... And they left eclips for it.
  • 1
    I fucking love netbeans! And very honestly, dislike intellij.
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