So I'm a new junior dev, been working for around 4 months.
What's some advice from you've learnt from experience that you would give to someone in my position?

For context, I taught myself Java a while ago, was taught Python and some PHP recently and have patchy self taught knowledge of JavaScript.
So no degree and minimal formal training!
I have done 3 or so months of Ruby (self taught) doing back end web dev with Rails and soon am going to get involved with a small PHP and front end built from scratch.

  • 7
    Immerse yourself in a single core language and get a solid grasp. If you have a firm grasp of concepts then a new language will come easy. Projects pad your resume but your knowledge in an interview will get you the job.

    Im in DevOps and started off bouncing around in languages. If you want to become a developer you need to know data structures and which algorithms work well. Go play in hacker rank and actually try to solve the problem. Dont go straight to the discussion page where the solutions are.
  • 5
    Listen to people you work with, criticism is sometimes hard to take but if it's constructive take it.

    I worked with a guy who was a genius when I started out in '98 and he was an arse or so I thought. I look back now and he was actually trying to make me think and develop myself rather than spoon feeding me everything. I miss that guy.
  • 1
    be yourself :)
  • 2
    Dependency injection over inheritance. Use inheritance only for implementing interfaces. Most valuable lesson I've learnt and very valid for a Java dev...
  • 1
    Oh, and find a way to deal with stressful situations that doesn't get to you. Projects come and go, but you're supposed to last a long time.
  • 1
    Just never learn too much things, which are spread to wide from each other. Youll better have a good knowledge of one thing.
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