What's devrant's opinion on WordPress blogs?

I've wanted to start a blog for a while to share what I know and learn from others who read and want to correct my mistakes on the blog. But as of now my own site is barely held together and nowhere near ready to host a blog. So while I continue learning and building my skills to eventually make my site more reflective of my abilities I'm considering starting WordPress blog to just start now rather than continue the 'eventually' trend I've been following while working on my site.

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    Release the Kraken!
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    @Demolishun lol is that for or against the idea?
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    @jester5537 I think wordpress is fine. Others, a lot of others, on this site have a much different opinion.
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    Wordpress is nice as long as you don't want to write code for it. It's a WYSIWIG after all, not a SDK.
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    If the point is just to get a blog out and do the blogging already. Wordpress is a good choice.

    I sometimes we sweat the technical details too much and I think worry about a bunch of tech details that ... nobody is going to do for most blogs.
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    As others already mentioned, it's O.K. as long as you're not trying to make it into something it isn't with too many plugins. That being said, I'd suggest just using a simple flat-file CMD/website. That seems enough in your case.
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    a friend of mine runs a business by (very simplified) selling wp-sites. for an occasionally blog it is said to just work. it ts not recommended to heavily customize it though. and it might be a bit bloated depending on plugins.
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    @Jilano I never heard the term flat-file cms, I do think that is way more in line with what I need, thank you. probably gonna do some research into a few before making a decision

    thank you for letting me know about them
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    Like everyone else is saying, Wordpress is fine for a blog if you want to just start blogging quickly. It's when you start adding plugins and customizing it to add more features or create a different kind of site that it turns into a bloated mess.

    I recently started a blog, using Hugo to generate a static site from flat files because I wanted to version-control my content. It works pretty well for my use-case, but is somewhat more annoying to set up than Wordpress is, I think.
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    You should be aware that WP buys you short term convencience at the price of long term hassle. Since it's an online CMS, you will have to update it regularly, and every update could break some shit. That is, if you even can update before hackers exploit the bugs.

    Also, once the data are in WP, it becomes very difficult to get them out for a proper migration. It's a lock-in.

    I'd advise a static site generator that runs offline so that you just publish the resulting HTML. Since there is no CMS online, that can't be attacked. It will also have better performance because the server just spits out plain files instead of havind dozens of superfluous database lookups.
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    Make a Gatsby/Netlify CMS blog. There are so many good starters available the work is mostly done for you. Hosting is super cheap and performance is 100x better than WP.
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    @jester5537 You're very welcome! After doing some research on your own, I suggest checking through posts here. It's been discussed quite a lot and people have already posted pros/cons.
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    You may ask the wrong question here? Ask yourself what do you want to achieve with your blog?

    Is it you wanting to write up your learnings for your self.
    Do you want to entertain people?
    Educate the reader with cutting edge technology?
    Get contacted by headhunters for a better Job?
    To brag?

    If you know what your aim is, you can choose the right tool for the Job.

    For instance if you want to increase your footprint to get a better job, blog on linked in.

    If you're working with cutting edge technology and have really interesting thins to say, blog on medium.com

    If it's just for you and your close buddies, WordPress.com is fine.

    If you want to entertain people you may consider opening a youtube channel.

    you know... use the right tool for the job
    good luck! 🙂
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    Reeeeee WordPress bad, reeeeeeee
    *Goes back to vacation-ing*
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    vulnerable, for one
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    Pray to our lord and saviour, Ctulhu.

    May he provide you an painless death instead of Wordpress.
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    @SortOfTested Young lady! What did we say about social media websites?! No checking after 10pm. Now go back to bed, and no complaining! I can hear you sighing from here.

    PS: It's nice of you to do Stuxy's job when he's away, though
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    I'm on vacation, pound salt 😝
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    @wackOverflow From my brief testing of Gatsby it tends to generate vast amounts of JS for what could be tiny HTML files, which is a strike against it in my opinion.
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    @osmarks meh, doesn’t matter to me if the site/blog has time to interactive in under a second 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @wackOverflow From now on, I'm going to blame you for everything that is wrong with web development. I don't know how to tell you politely that you should in fact care about the amount of shit you put even if it doesn't take a minute to load.
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    @Jilano someone interested in a blamebot?

    @blamebot webdevelopement

    'yeah, @wackOverflow again'
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    @erroronline1 Most definitely! I pinky swear I won't abuse it.
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    @Jilano if you’re talking about a wp site yeah sure, but a gatsby build is a fraction the size. I also said under a second, not under a minute. God bless you for trying though.
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    @wackOverflow *dodges blessing*

    The time unit doesn't matter, the thing you said was: "as long as it's fast enough, I don't care". You shouldn't think like that in the first place. Just because we have more resources nowadays doesn't mean it's smart to squander them for no reason.
    Unfortunately and after seeing how you just reacted right now, it seems you won't try to learn a better way.

    Anyway, have a nice day! (Careful about the weather, it's going to be a hot one)
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    I think a private dev website should be a showcase for efficiency. If you can't do that even without a stupid PM on your heels, it will instead be a showcase for laziness or incompetence.
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    @Fast-Nop this. And fuck WP
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    @Jilano yes thank you. I’ll make sure to run my a/c while I work remote from my home. Also, I encourage you to check out gatsby. My file size doesn’t matter comment was meant in the context of a gatsby project...which was part of the discussion. I have a feeling once check it out for yourself your bp will drop 50 points and we can all be friends again. Thank u and have nice day.
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