
My build has been lagging behind due to the 8 year old mobo, so I grabbed one with a newer chipset that was a bit discounted and oh jeez the swag that comes with it.

Who is the target audience here? 12 year olds who build their own pcs? This literally makes me - albeit marginally - less likely to buy Asus things in the future. Even teenage me wouldn't want to be caught dead flashing this stuff.

And yes, the mobo itself is rgb. I've literally stopped trying to avoid it since it would put an unreasonable limit on your options with how common it is.

  • 0
    Yes, cringe inducing Item confirmed
  • 2
    I had the same experience building my last PC, all sorts of silly trinkets, stickers and me looking for how to turn off the silly light effects the various parts had.

    Now if they had included disco lights.... maybe.
  • 13
    Nope, you're now part of the "republic of gamers." Don't forget to fill it with a threadripper, wraith cooler, some ripjaw ram, a velociraptor drive and some obnoxiously named Razer accessories, tons of rgb and a bottle of homoerotic energy drink to wash it down.
  • 3
    For the 30yo you that’s actually still the 12yo you

    (Meant in the nicest way possible)
  • 3
    lol that's what happens when you buy ROG.

    I've got a Gigabyte mobo. They're usually pretty good about making boards that don't glow like the Sun in all the colors of the rainbow. The stickers that came with it are still ridiculous though.

    It's funny, two years ago I had RGB on my CPU cooler, RAM, keyboard, mouse, and probably other things I'm forgetting. Now the only RGB component I have is the mouse.
  • 0
    Not only they can do absolutely nothing but broken crappy hardware, they also decided to be this cringe. Pathetic. Even my 13yo brother would probably cringe off this
  • 0
    > is it meant to attract 12 year olds?

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