Working from home.. no airconditioning.. no fan ('cause Covid particles danger).. f************ck.

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    Eh you what?
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    Fans are only a problem if in an area with multiple people where some might have covid.

    At home its not a problem, either all will already be exposed or none have it unless you never share the same rooms, which is unlikely :)
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    @F1973 Home gym FTW! Just coming from lifting iron at 29°C inside.
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    @F1973 Dunno what the quarantine regulations are where you live. If it's not a complete lockdown, just take a walk. Otherwise, supplement at least vitamin D.

    Btw., UV lamps against winter depression have seen good success in Sweden and Finland.
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    Get a fan man. As said above, it ain't dangerous in your own house - it's not going to generate covid particles from thin air.
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    @AlmondSauce but the air around there sounds dense
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    @F1973 I'm not sure whether the UV dose of lamps is sufficient for vitamin D production, and whether it even delivers the shorter wave UV-B (i.e. 280nm to 315nm) that is necessary for vitamin D production (and sunburns).

    E.g. lamps in solariums usually deliver only the longer wave UV-A (i.e. 315nm to 380nm) which tans the skin but doesn't lead to vitamin D (and neither sunburns).

    The consequence: catching tan from a solarium will hamper actual vitamin D production later (in sunlight), but doesn't even stock up vitamin D in the process.
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    Here in Russia we have home ventilation systems available that are capable of supplying 100 square meters flat with pure clean air. They have many filters including UV lamp that kill almost every small living thing in the air. All that for around $1500 including installation
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    U dont need to think so much about it. Lol
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    @F1973 I'm more on the wild unwarranted conjecture about science train right now.

    (Rolls on an essential oil and pops a HCQ)
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    @F1973 Because oh how the great have fallen. 🤣🤣🤣
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    @F1973 its not hard. 😭
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    @F1973 🐍
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    In my company, they found out that the A/C is using indoor air and has no filters. Consequence: A/C has to be turned off if people are in the room (i.e. the server room is excempt).

    Only that my office (right under the roof) has never even had A/C, and I won't return before the end of the month. Haha!
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    @ScriptCoded Don't watch the news eh?
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    @uyouthe Yeah and I'm rich.
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    @ScriptCoded you should have read the news. His fan has covid so they can't stay together.
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    @electrineer yeah I don't follow
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    @ScriptCoded Air conditioning creates tiny air bubbles that could carry Covid. Fans circulate the possibly already-existing Covid particles around. My housemates don't want to take any risks, so we decided to just not use any cooling while working from home.
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