
Name a more iconic duo than web developers on help sites and having pissing contests over which modules they use instead of actually answering the question!

I've been a web dev/server admin for all of about a month now, and only known PHP for about a week of that, and the one thing really that grates on me isn't PHP's odd function naming inconsistencies or at times outright trash documentation, it's the other developers who, when asked a fairly straightforward question about why a mysqli function won't return something, demand you use PDO instead.

Please. I'm running a LEMP stack on a Raspberry Pi here, I'm trying to keep dependencies to an absolute minimum because the SD card is tiny, the Pi will catch on fire if it runs any hotter, and more dependencies are more potential points of failure. Just answer the damn question. I'm not going to install PDO for something I know I can do anyway just because it makes my code look slightly prettier.

Honourable mention to all you Node.js developers out there too, with your thousands of useless npm dependencies. I salute you.

  • 7
    First Rant, a Real Rant with anger!

    Welcome to the club
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    definitely feel that.
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    I like this guy. Welcome to devRant!

    PDO is awesome but can be overkill and a pain In the ass, mysqli_ works too but the community out there will grind you for it.
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    @Auhrii Should you need help with mysqli, feel free to bomb this rant and mention me.

    I should be able to answer ;)
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    Top be fair you should (yes should, not must) use PDO unless you really need some msql specific stuff it does not support. It's become the defacto standard. Making it easy for generic classes just to ingest a PDO object.

    Because one coworker used mysqli I had to make a separate branch that uses it. But that is preferable to him putting credentials all over the place.

    That you should does not mean MUST. @IntrusionCM is awesome use him well.
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    @hjk101 *blushes* Yeeaah... Useeee me.

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    @hjk101 Yeah! Normally I would just go ahead and install it, but I'm keeping my stack as slim as possible given the limited hardware at my disposal. It's a personal project too, so thankfully I don't really have to worry about anyone else's workflow/what they use.

    Kudos to the Pi though, it's a fair bit more capable than I thought!
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    @Auhrii in that case I would go for an sqlite database. That is a real saver (both memory and storage) also really efficient. PDO has a driver for it 😅
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