why developers prefer mac over windows / linux ?

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    Some get them from work, some like them, most don't know any better, bless their heart. Lol
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    @2Large as someone with an overly expensive shoe phone, I can't stand a Mac, but have no issues getting around windows or Linux.
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    @2Large right , developers should rather go for comfortable, useful and in-budget shoe
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    Most of the modern infra and server tools are Linux-nativr, as are many of the tools we use for development (containers, etc). Devs are choosing Linux more often than Macs presently, if you believe the SO dev survey. You deal with a lot less bullshit on Macs and Linux.

    There's also the bonus that the types of security software and controls that routinely destry system perf at many companies don't exist, or are more responsibly managed on apple and Linux hardware.

    Tl;Dr quality of life, reeeeee
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    @NoMad 👀

    The iShoe
  • 3
    @C0D4 seems legit 👀
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    @NoMad for when you don't want to walk to your phone, it walks to you!
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    @C0D4 does it also kick you in the butt when you're being naughty? 😏
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    @NoMad that might be 2nd Gen, I've got to get it to walk and not fall out first 😅
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    I think front end prefer for good UI and command line to setup packages. And backed guys just love using for smoothness other Mac is no better than Linux for backend.
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    Alternatively, because companies buy them and we don't want the companies to think we're cheap? 😜
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    No idea, the keyboards are awful.
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    They are simple.... Fails less then windows. Dont need to know much about computers.
    You won't believe the amount of people that use a specific software and don't know even basic stuff.
    Where I worked (molding company) half the programmers (Cam programmers) didn't know how to use the file explorer, didn't understand the concept of network drivers (they tought they were working on a local networking, didn't get why they couldn't work when the network was down), their Chrome was a mess with tons of extentions, their desktop was full of old folders...
    A Mac is simple... Have few software choices, don't need to know much about computers. Doest mean is the best, just what the others use.
  • 2
    strange question. It should be
    Why does developers prefer MAC/Linux over Windows?
  • 1
    I touched a mac for the first time when my company gave me one. Firstly I hated it, but then I understood why it's so popular: it's stable. I keep tens of applications open together and, even if it's not much power, it still gets the work done
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    That is a VERY vague description on why crapply is good, but that fits into "why Linux is good" too
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