
Instagram just imported my birthday from my Facebook, which btw, was not specifically linked when I used to post on Facebook.

Mark Fucking Fuckface Fuckerberg's team is destroying Instagram now. Ffs. 😒😒

Why is everyone okay with this invasion of privacy? And when is telegram launching an image sharing platform?

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    @24th-Dragon 😭😭😭
    This is why we can't have nice things.
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    @rutee07 no 😛
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    Was Instagram any good to begin with tho
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    @electrineer no, but it was better than other alternatives.
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    Good to hear. We need Facebook dead in the water because social media, being such a fundamental society thing, should not be almost entirely controlled by a single corporation. (at least in the western world)

    This is also the only reason we like Snapchat.
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    you know how they have those "template todo/twitter/social" apps when working with frameworks such as react? Or how people do competitions/weekend events to make a game and so on?

    We need "incubator" weeks.

    Everyone competes as teams or individually if they want to, to clone one shitty tech service (chosen as that weeks incubator theme) and try and do it better. This is mostly about harming those services than providing working alternatives.

    And what it will do is 1. show people we really dont need the big tech corporations 2. lead to a bunch of installs for new apps being tested by people following the event and its outcome, helping to solve the chicken and egg problem of the network effect.

    crowdsource the competitive cloning and downfall of monolithic silicon valley asshole tech companies.
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    I just really want Facebook to fuck off and let people enjoy other socials without turning them into a Facebook look-alike. There's a reason why Facebook is mostly used by adults and not so much now by teens. It's annoying, It's like that nosy neighbor that waits till you come home after a long day of work to ask you the stupidest questions, and you want to answer with, What the duck does it matter to you, but you just don't cause it's too much effort and you shouldn't be dealing with 2 neuron having ass people
  • 3
    Is Instagram that one with all the pictures?
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    @AlmondSauce Its only really got ads these days.
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    facebook also exposed my mobile number which I remember set as private.
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    You guys are celebrating birthdays???
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    Would you move to telegram for image sharing (if it'd have that) for privacy reasons or just in general?
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    @linuxxx privacy, and the fact that I've been using telegram for years and it almost mever shits the bed. Like, quality as well as privacy.
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    @NoMad Tbh I never get why people move to it for privacy reasons. When looking at the technical aspects, I'd even choose WhatsApp over telegram for privacy reasons haha.

    Where'd you get the idea that its good as for privacy? (genuinely wondering)
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    @linuxxx it may not be the best, but it's one of the best in security. Plus, not owned by fuckbook. I'm more okay with smaller companies having my data than bigger companies.
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    Is fuckbook that one with all the dicks?
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    @NoMad As for the Facebook part I can only agree with you! As for the security/privacy, I have to disagree. Telegram is just very good at marketing, but chats (group and personal) aren't end to end encrypted by default (groups can't even be), metadata is not protected and stuff like that.

    For the record, I'm not attacking you or anything!
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    I just want an app that lets me do social style communication / text messaging using one time pad generated and *physically* shared (or shared by say, proximity).

    each contact pair would have its own pad. and naturally you could generate x amount of megabytes of the oad beforehabd, and set a "reserve" used for coordinating a new meeting place for exchanging new one time pads.
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    A) secret chats are end to end encrypted
    B) it has introduced encrypted voice and video calls.
    C) no one uses signal, unless they're geeks.
    I rest my case. 😛
    Also, you believed south china's newspaper? Unless they try MIM, they can find the messages only on the cloud servers, where they are encrypted; or by taking someone's phone. In which case, encryption is always useless anyways.
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    @Wisecrack uhhhhh what?
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    @linuxxx I take my last point back. Had to argue with someone about security (you're tagged in the conversation) and I realized a hacked phone and unencrypted messages make disaster. But still, end to end encryption exists for secret chats.
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    @NoMad The end to end crypto exists but it's self made by math people (not cryptpgraphers) so I'd never trust it
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    You didn’t expect this when Facebook bought Instagram?
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    @NoMad Small companies get bought by bigger companies. If you care about data privacy then keep it in mind across the board.
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    @24th-Dragon Jesus. I'm glad I bought a Vive. Fucking facebook. I wouldn't even have one if it wasn't for family and them not compressing the shit out of photos and videos like when I send an SMS. Other than that the platform is useless. I say we all go back to Myspace where we could hack our page with customer theme songs and html and css. Those were good times. What does facebook have on that. Really?
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    @stub I say we start our own.
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    @Wisecrack maybe so although it seems like it would go the way of Myspace and Facebook eventually. And than folks would move on to the greener pastures like humanity always does in time.

    I just went to Myspace and started an account. It's weird. Nothing like it was. More of a news site now with shit I have no interest in.

    Wait are you talking about a new Facebook or a new VR headset cuz I'm really wanting to get into augmentated reality like the Microsoft halolens
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    @stub im gonna be frank here: I just want giant virtual strippers like in blade runner.
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    @Wisecrack lmao. A matrix where I can't tell it's not real. Yup. Wait.....
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    @stub this cant be the matrix, Im not double teaming the girl in a red dress with my best buddy while drinking ice cold ale fron a viking horn and firing absurdly large machine guns into the air at dragons.

    if this is the mateix it's cutrate.

    I at least expected DLC.
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