
Is "sleep-coding" a thing? Fell asleep last night on accident with my phone in my hand. When I woke up, I had typed a few lines of code in my sleep.

  • 7
    Could you give us some info like what you typed?
  • 6
    People wakeup often in the night, go to the toilet or get a drink and can't remember anything about it in the morning.

  • 8
    I woke up to an unfinished draft in my text messages. It was a combination of 2 or 3 lines each of C++ and Java. Haha! I fall asleep every night while I'm coding. @Pgdevpatryk @Pgdevpatryk
  • 8
    Makes perfect sense! I am 100% guilty of sleep talking and sometimes sleep walking. It sounds like my body wanted a challenge and wanted to level-up!@craig939393
  • 5
    I woke up last week at 3 am because I saw a solution to a problem I was working on. I felt like waking up was a conscious choice. I got up and solved it. It was uncanny.
  • 11
    I woke up with something in my hand, but it wasn't my phone...
  • 7
    *Badum ting* Hahaha! Nice one ;) @drRoss
  • 9
    Don't you love those? The mind is mysterious especially when we want to sleep. I'm also obligated to take a required Psychology class for my my Software Design/Networking degree. Haha!
  • 1
    @Gia85 not the first time. The process is very interesting =D
  • 9
    Life is stranger than fiction. =) @xios
  • 1
    People confuse performing actions while being asleep (which is very rare) with not remembering their first actions. I believe it has to do with when your wake up. During Delta sleep, rem cycle (start middle or end). This also has an effect on how hard it is to wake up. If you plan your sleep right, it's easy to wake up at anytime you want.
  • 2
    I've had a problem with sleep walking my entire life and recently I have been Ligit sleep coding. Which is pretty cool because I wake up and there is more code on my computer.

    Its generally not good though.
  • 8
    Ditto! The things that I do at night become more strange as the years go by. @yepster @yepster
  • 1
    @Letmecode time to change the blinkit
  • 8
    Bwahaha! "sleep-shake" @Letmecode
  • 3
    @Letmecode God knows I try.
  • 8
    I'm going to try to make this happen again tonight!
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