Do you feel more productive in casual or formal wear?

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    Haven't worn a tie in months
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    Very casual. Shorts some days, the owners wear jogging pants and basketball shorts sometimes. We have one dude that works from the couch.
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    Haven't worn a tie ever.
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    Casual, but at my office I'd feel too dressed down if I didn't go business casual.
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    Extremely casual (like sweats) when im coding or business casual when I'm dealing with people (which strangely makes up a large part of my job as a developer)
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    extremely casual, but my job requires a collared shirt.
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    @Sascha Definitely formal
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    Business casual if I'm coding in the office but boxers if I'm coding from home, I like to dress for the job I want not the job I have-- has worked well in the past. Managers trust you more if you dress like them!!
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