How much of windows 10 you will improve? How? And what would you delete?

(In case you want to delete windows 10: "that will be taken care of by op")

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    I'd get rid of the privacy intruding shit, the store, and edge. Other than that I think it's kinda okay.
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    @LucaScorpion don't you want to improve notepad? Make an algorith to make windows updates faster?
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    @SweetHuman Ahh i knew I forgot something! Yeah the updates definitely ;) And I generally use notepad++ instead of Notepad, so I don't really care about that ^^
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    Aside from the obvious privacy stuff and notification center:
    Improve the updates so they don't destroy the whole system.

    My desktop is running Windows 7 again because since a certain update Windows 10 breaks even after a clean reinstall.
    Oh, you wanted to install that program? How about a bluescreen? You want to reboot now? Oops, too bad.
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    @deadlyRants i am pretty lucky to have never experienced a blue screen. i only experience when a game does not close correctly.
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    @SweetHuman Two weeks ago it was the same for me. No bluescreen since I left XP, no crash of the system, no serious issue.

    Then it installed the anniversary update and long story short, it simply doesn't work anymore.
    First the system stuttered, then it randomly got bluescreens and some time later it couldn't even boot anymore.
    Going back was the only choice.
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    The privacy stuff needs to get fixed asap, and Cortana needs to become more open for integration with third-party apps. File Explorer, Task Manager and other system apps need to get the UWP treatment, or at least a design language update. And if they could merge the Subsystem with the os so it can interface with hardware APIs, that'd be amazing.
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