Anyone remember when PHP was a straightforward procedural language and not a pseudo-objective mess?


  • 2
    Yeah and it's much more fun to work with it today than back then :-)
  • 3
    PHP is better now than ever before. I just really wish they cleaned up all of the function inconsistencies when they released 7
  • 3
    @RagnarRedbeard backward compatibility sometimes screwes you hard
  • 1
    @RagnarRedbeard eventually they will :) i hope...
  • 2
    It's really a shame it's used everywhere instead of a prettier language like Python or ruby.
  • 4
    oh I 'member!
  • 2
    @ninjatini no, PHP is still more readable and 'prettier' than ruby. Personally I do not like python, it does many things it promises not to do but still acts all cool.
    With PHP you know what you get into and there are very few surprises.
  • 1
    PHP is kind of a mess every time I've seen it do anything useful. It works, it's just reaaaaaaally ugly. That's just my opinion though. I'd wager you'd have more luck finding Jimmy Hoffa than pretty PHP code.

    Oh and it has a quasi-circumcised implementation of object oriented programming.
  • 1
    @ninjatini PHP isn't so quasi-OOP these days. Plus, a lot of devs have written some very ugly code. Doing things right, it actually can look pretty nice
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