
Guys, seriously, i dying from writing documentation. I'm frustrated and bored to the hell. But i need it for others. How to keep my mind fresh and excited? Just looking inside Leximo and see how much i need to write. https://repository.cartio.dev/lexim...

I need a coffee.

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    How do you eat an elephant?
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    @netikras Hard task. :D Just like documentation writing.
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    @Lexter one bite at a time. Applies for both: the elephant and your docs.
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    @netikras sorry fam I gotta call the Police or some shit.
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    @3rdWorldPoison oh, Sting's coming? Nice!!!
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    No need to write documentation if no-one uses your software.
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    Keep your mind fresh and excited huh? Just get bipolar depression! I only write docs while manic and it works like a charm
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    @uyouthe not much different from the norm I see.
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    @3rdWorldPoison you haven’t seen my norm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Not sure whether you are able to use it, but automated documentation generators are a huge savior for me personally e.g. Doxygen and others
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    @NEMESISprj Sure, but they can be only used for reference (methods, structure and so). I like more personal docs with some basics. Sure i'l use some generator for next part.
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    @Lexter I guess per module documentation shouldn't be that dense given the structure. Moreover, functionality is self explanatory in most cases. The only thing extra needed is an overview documentation, use case and probably examples.
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    @3rdWorldPoison Thanks!. I'm mainly front end developer, so this is actualy my first docs ever. Hope it will not sucks. :P
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    @Lexter Fair enough. But at least it will partially take the load off of you :)
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    Do the shit and then engage in an exciting video game session?
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    @iiii It's almost year i played something. I think i just grew up.
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