
I don't know how to feel about this...

  • 8
    Haha, "programming language"
  • 4
    Good joke Google😂😂
  • 0
    @T-Hammer malbolge unshackled, look it up
  • 5
    Markup language. Hypertext markup language.
  • 0
    HTML is the foundation of every webpage I build, though it might be in a PHP file. So much of the JS I write modifies HTML elements. So much of the PHP I write builds HTML elements. Just because it's easier to comprehend doesn't make it any less essential.
  • 3
  • 1
    I programmed my arduino powered remote controlled car in html, i put some extra functionality with the css programming language. The generated code is actually faster then c/c++ so it's worth it...
  • 0
    @Androbin well what language do you think is used to program the Tardis... Html4 and css2... It will be soon upgraded and we will give the ability to use Htaccess programming language to program some configuration ...
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