
For the Linux users/fans out here, take a look at Pinebook (just Google it). If I get enough money for this I'll buy it straight away.

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    Thanks for recommending!
    I think you won't have to wait long for a price this low :)
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    now I get it :)
    I wrent to the wrong website, so I thought 30 bucks shouldnt be that hard
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    @jerjer thanks for the link.. 👍
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    You can add an sd card for extra storage
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    @nilmonster Well, living on a student income and just had to buy a new phone so yeah...
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    I know that situation from a lot of my friends. I'm glad that I can stay at my parents home for now, if I had to work next to studying, (like they often do) it would really be worse
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    Dont buu anything from them - I got the pine64, and there is 0 support, gbe was promised but doesnt work, they dont do shit themselves just expect the community to do it all. Shittiest company I ever worked with.
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    @yusijs second this, I've kickstarted them too
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    @yusijs @jerjer thanks for the info
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    Sorry for this post, didn't know about all this bad stuff 😥
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    So I guess the above would by not to buy this thing...
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    @Letmecode the price for the pine64 was amazing as well, and it was being touted as the next RPi. It's had lots of issues - hardware and software. Like mentioned, gbe only works for about half of us who bought it, where it only works when forced into 100mbps. They used a cheap af SoC, which has closed source drivers --> no gpu drivers for linux. There are some enthusiasts who reverse engineered it, but no official drivers. And the company just dont care. Last android release they dropped was still Lollipop (5) unless they did something else in the past 3 months. Community have made debian/ubuntu and android 7 / Android TV images.
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